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Safety representation and consultation

The Safety Health & Welfare at Work Act 2005 provides for consultation between employers and employees to help ensure co-operation to prevent accidents and ill-health.

Under section 25 of the Act, employees are entitled to select a safety representative to represent them on safety and health matters in consultations with their employer. It is essential that safety representatives have the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their functions effectively.

Who this training is for

  • all recently elected safety representatives
  • the safety representative must have been formally nominated and elected by their colleagues

Training format



  • to assist the safety representative in the effective discharge in their role
  • to increase awareness and knowledge in all aspects of health and safety

On successful completion of this course you should be able to:

  • Understand the role and rights of a safety representative
  • Describe the legislative structure and enforcing agency for health and safety at work
  • Be aware of safe practices for a wide range of operations
  • Be aware of how to communicate effectively · Understand the HSE risk assessment process and incident management system
  • Be able to undertake safety inspection and audit
  • Explain the risk assessment process required by legislation and the HSE Corporate Safety


The maximum number of participants for this training is 16.

How to book

Your line manager can book your course through the health and safety helpdesk


3 days

Course code
