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Find information on upcoming online events and webinars relevant to staff across the HSE.

Podcast: HSE Health and Wellbeing Podcast, Episode 64: Patient Partnership

Episode details:

In episode 64 of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, we hear from Anne Lawlor, Chairperson of the HSE's Patient Forum and founder of the 22q Charity Ireland, and Joe Ryan, HSE National Director of Public Involvement, Culture, and Risk Management, about patient partnership in the HSE. They highlight the importance of genuine patient involvement at every level of healthcare, to increasingly ensure that patient experiences and voices shape the design, implementation, and evaluation of future healthcare services. We hear how the HSE is committed to partnering with patients and how the Better Together framework aims to foster effective patient partnerships.

Please share and to find out more about our podcasts series or the work of HSE Health and Wellbeing email:

Podcast: Walk and Talk Improvement, Episode 16: From error to excellence: a nurse’s clinical audit journey

Listen to the Podcast: Walk and Talk Improvement, Episode 16: From error to excellence: a nurse’s clinical audit journey

Episode details:

Close your eyes and imagine this: You’re a surgical nurse in general theatre. It’s the end of a long shift and you’re scrubbed in for your last case. The surgeon has closed up the patient when you realise the instrument count is incorrect and the patient is now already in recovery. What do you do next?

In episode 16 of the All-Ireland podcast series Walk and Talk Improvement, we hear from Teresa Donnelly, who shares how this incident in general theatre catapulted her clinical audit journey. Teresa has since revolutionised the culture of general theatre at Sligo University Hospital, improving both patient and staff safety.

Featuring: Teresa Donnelly, Director, Centre of Education for Nursing and Midwifery, Sligo Leitrim W Cavan.

Hosted by Selene Daly, Clinical Audit Facilitator, HSE National Centre for Clinical Audit.

Have a patient safety story to share? Contact:

Webinar: Enterprise Risk Management - Overview Train the Trainer Webinar sessions 2024

Date and time

Register for Enterprise Risk Management - Overview Train the Trainer on Tuesday 30 July at 1pm

Register for Enterprise Risk Management - Overview Train the Trainer on Tuesday 24 September at 1pm

Register for Enterprise Risk Management - Overview Train the Trainer on Wednesday 30 October at 1pm

Register for Enterprise Risk Management - Overview Train the Trainer on Wednesday 27 November at 1pm

Register for Enterprise Risk Management - Overview Train the Trainer on Wednesday 18 December at 1pm

Webinar details

Due to the substantial interest for a rerun of the ‘Overview’ training webinars on the Enterprise Risk Management Policy and Procedures 2023 that the ERM team facilitated last October, we are delighted to announce that there will be a monthly ‘Lunch and Learn’ session of this webinar in 2024.

The objective is to adopt a train the trainer approach so that experienced risk management colleagues can use this resource in their own engagements with their teams and other staff members. These sessions are designed for staff who are in the role of supporting and facilitating risk management across the HSE and who are familiar with the key principles of risk management. Each session will conclude with a dedicated question and answers segment.

Contact details


Webinar: SAP CoE HR & Payroll

Register for the SAP CoE HR & Payroll time webinars

Date and time

The time webinars take place monthly from 10am to 1pm

  • Thursday 15 August
  • Wednesday 4 September
  • Tuesday 8 October
  • Tuesday 12 November
  • Tuesday 10 December

Webinar details

The SAP CoE Training Team run monthly time webinars. These webinars are open to everyone interested in the Time Module of SAP and act as a refresher for existing Time Returning Officers. Each session also contains a Q & A session with subject matter experts who can answer your time queries.

Find more information about the time webinars

Eighth National Sepsis Summit

Register for the eighth national sepsis summit

Date and time

3 September 2024

Event location

Dublin Castle, Dame st, Dublin 2

Event details

Registration is now open for the eighth National HSE Sepsis Summit. This year’s theme is “Early Recognition Saves Lives”.

Raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of sepsis is an ongoing priority for the HSE. The summit aims to raise awareness of key symptoms of sepsis in adults, pregnant women and children. Register for the summit to learn more about the latest prevention and treatment advancements for sepsis. We hope learnings from the summit will lead to better management and better patient outcomes.

If you have recently completed research, a quality improvement project or a case report on sepsis we invite you to submit an abstract for consideration by Friday 5 July. The best poster and presentation will be awarded a prize.

Contact details

Integrated Healthcare: Advancing Health Service Reform conference

Register for the Integrated Healthcare: Advancing Health Service Reform conference

Date and time

Thursday 5 September 2024

Event location

In person and online event. Location: The Convention Centre, Dublin

Event details

This conference focuses on advancing health service reform while emphasising the ongoing transition to HSE Health Regions.

Register your interest by Thursday 1 August.

Contact details

HSE Patient and Public Partnership Conference 2024

Register for the HSE Patient and Public Partnership Conference 2024

Date and time

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Event location

In person and online event. Location: Printworks, Dublin Castle, Dame St, Dublin 2

Event details

Registration is now open for the second HSE Patient and Public Partnership conference. This year’s theme is: ‘Changing patient outcomes: one partnership at a time’ and the conference is being organised by the HSE Patient and Service User Forum in partnership with the HSE Partnership Office.

Contact details

Delivering Evidence-Based Physical Activity Behaviour Change in Primary Care and Community Settings: Online Advanced Practice Course

Register for Delivering Evidence-Based Physical Activity Behaviour Change in Primary Care and Community Settings: Online Advanced Practice Course

Date and time

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Event details

The NIPC, in partnership with HSE, are delighted to offer this free, online training, designed to equip healthcare professionals in Ireland with the core knowledge, skills and competences to deliver, understand and support patients to undertake physical activity.

The course begins with a live introductory session, followed by 5 self-paced online modules that are completed over 3 months, and culminates with a live consolidation session.

Applications are welcome from current healthcare practitioners working in primary care and community settings. It is a pre-course requisite for all course participants to complete the HSE Making Every Contact Count (MECC) e-Learning course.

Contact details or

BlooDHIT 2024

Register for BlooDHIT 2024

Date and time

  • Thursday 14 November 8.30am to 5.30pm
  • Friday 15 November 9am to 1pm

Event location

The Alex Hotel, Fenian Street, Dublin 2

Event details

The conference will cover all topics in relation to Blood Transfusion services – from

  • donor demographics
  • diversifying the donor pool
  • transfusion challenges
  • young scientist presentations
  • future proofing of blood & tissue establishments.

There will be local experts and international speakers presenting at the conference.

Find the bloodhit event programme here.

Abstract submissions

Submit an abstract for the bloodhit event

Deadline for abstract submissions is 31 July 2024


Watch back: Health Regions Programme webinar focused on population-based planning

The Health Regions Programme Team is running a series of webinars in 2024. These webinars will provide an update on the implementation of health regions.

The first webinar in the series was on Thursday 27 June. It focused on:

  • implementation of the health regions
  • population-based planning
  • regional health profiles
  • Health Atlas

Watch back the health regions webinar focussed on population-based planning, Thursday 27 June on

View presentation slides from the health regions webinar on Thursday 27 June (PDF, 6.62MB, 53 pages)