Details of the latest training opportunities for HSE staff.
On this page you will find training programmes on the following topics:
- Health and Wellbeing
- Delivering Change in Health Services
- Social Inclusion
- Climate Action
- Health and Safety
- Leadership, Learning and Talent Management
- National Research and Development
- National Centre for Clinical Audit
- Microsoft Office 365
- SAP HR/Payroll
- HSE Library
- National Institute for Prevention and Cardiovascular Health
- Sexual Health Promotion
- Genetics and Genomics
- Making Every Contact Count
- Health regions webinar series
Health and Wellbeing
HSE Health and Wellbeing Podcast, Episode 88 - Declutter Your Mind
Listen to the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, Episode 88 - Declutter Your Mind
Watch the HSE HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, Episode 88 - Declutter Your Mind
Episode details
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, host Noreen Turley is joined by Peadar Maxwell, Senior Psychologist in the HSE. They explore the concept of "mind clutter"; those overwhelming thoughts and distractions that often lead to stress, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating.
Peadar shares valuable insights on the symptoms of mind clutter and how it can impact mental clarity and overall wellbeing. The conversation explores practical strategies for managing mental clutter, including mindfulness, visualisation, journaling, and pioritising self-care practices. Peadar also emphasises the importance of making “good enough” decisions to reduce the pressure of perfectionism.
These simple steps can help people regain focus and improve their mental wellbeing. This episode is filled with practical advice to help you declutter your mind.
Please share and to find out more about our podcasts series or the work of HSE Health and Wellbeing email:
Minding Your Wellbeing - Louth workshops
Register for a Minding Your Wellbeing Louth workshop
Date and time
One day workshop from 9.15am (registration) to 4.30pm at HSE Ardee Regional Education Centre, Ardee, Co. Louth.
- Wednesday 26 February
- Wednesday 26 March
Training details
This is a one-day workshop offered by Health Promotion & Improvement, Health and Wellbeing, to support staff to care for their own mental health and wellbeing and to build good self-care practices for every day.
For more information, please email
Watchback: Delivering Sláintecare Healthy Communities webinar
Watch back the Delivering Sláintecare Healthy Communities webinar
In case you missed our recent Delivering Sláintecare Healthy Communities Webinar on Thursday 5 December or wish to watch it back, the full recording is available. Extended footage has been added at the end of the webinar, which includes a presentation from one of our Sláintecare Healthy Communities Community Food and Nutrition Workers.
Watchback: Launch of the National Men’s Health Action Plan 2024 to 2028
Watch back the Launch of the National Men’s Health Action Plan
The HSE, Men’s Health Forum in Ireland, the Men’s Development Network and the National Centre for Men’s Health in SETU, launched the second HSE National Men’s Health Action Plan, Healthy Ireland – Men (HI-M) 2024 – 2028 at our recent webinar.
Watchback: HSE Tobacco Free Ireland webinar
Watch back the HSE Tobacco Free Ireland webinar
Last week, the HSE Tobacco Free Ireland Programme hosted an update webinar. Topics included; Quit campaign, Free Nicotine Replacement Therapy, E-cigarettes & Vaping.
Delivering Change in Health Services
Change Consultation Clinic
Have you a specific ‘change challenge’ you would value support with?
The Change Consultation Clinic is facilitated by experienced HSE Organisation Development Practitioners, Organisation and Development and Design team in Kells, Co Meath.
People’s Needs Defining Change- Health Services Change Guide informs our practitioners’ practice. It is the essential guide to change, mapping out a step-by-step approach - assisting you to address the ‘messiness of change’.
The Change Guide is evidence-based and has been researched in an Irish context. It is the policy framework and agreed approach to change signed off by HSE Leadership and co-sponsored and agreed with the Trade Unions.
The pre-registration questions focus on your service and a live change challenge you would like to consult on.
How to register
How to register for a Change Consultation Clinic:
- Email with subject line: Change Consultation Clinic to register.
- We will send you a short questionnaire to enable the Organisation Development practitioners to better understand your service and your specific change challenge.
- When we receive the completed questionnaire, we will confirm your place and time for a one-to-one session.
Please note there are limited places so early registration is advised.
Date and time
Clinics will run from 10am to 1pm; your appointment time (up to 1 hour in duration) will be agreed directly with you by the Organisation Development and Change Practitioner assigned to your application and clinics are held virtually.
Schedule for change consultation clinics in 2025 (second Thursday of the month except for July and August):
- Thursday 13 February
- Thursday 13 March
- Thursday 10 April
- Thursday 8 May
- Thursday 12 June
- Thursday 11 September
- Thursday 9 October
- Thursday 13 November
- Thursday 11 December
Contact details
Organisation Development and Design, Kells. Co Meath.
Phone: 046 925 1461
Change Guide in Action Workshops
Workshop details
This interactive virtual workshop on the Change Guide in Action, features your Health and Social Care colleagues shared experiences of delivering effective and sustainable change. In 2025, the workshops will focus on three main themes: 'Working with resistance to change', 'Delivering change activities – Define Design Deliver', and 'Factors to be monitored while managing change'.
Learning outcomes include:
- Provide participants with real case examples of a co-design people and culture change approach, from staff who have used the Change Guide in practice.
- Focus is on an examination of the Change Guide in action and the application of the core concepts, tools and templates to a specific shared experience.
- Signpost other resources about the Change Guide to further participant’s use of the Guide as a practical tool for change.
- Highlighting key resources for the following themes: 'Working with resistance to change', 'Delivering change activities – Define Design Deliver', and 'Factors to be monitored while managing change'.
Date and time
Workshop will run from 10.30am to 1pm:
- 22 January 2025 - Working with resistance to change - Note: This workshop is fully booked
- 26 February 2025 – Delivering change activities - Define, Design, Deliver - Note: This workshop is fully booked
- 26 March 2025 - Factors to be monitored while managing change
- 23 April 2025 - Working with resistance to change - Note: This workshop is fully booked
- 28 May 2025 - Delivering change activities - Define, Design, Deliver
- 25 June 2025 - Factors to be monitored while managing change
- 24 September 2025 – Working with resistance to change
- 22 October 2025 - Delivering change activities - Define, Design, Deliver
- 26 November 2025 - Factors to be monitored while managing change
How to register
Register by emailing with subject line: Change Guide in Action
Social Inclusion
Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence (DSGBV) Programme Module 3 – Respond
Training details
Training is available on HSELanD for all HSE staff, staff from funded services, students and volunteers.
The aim of this module is for professionals to:
- Understand the importance of asking about DSGBV
- Gain skills on when to ask and how to approach the question
- Respond and support a victim during and after a disclosure – including risk assessment and safety planning
- Understand barriers victims may face to disclose abuse
This training builds on the learnings of Module 1 – Awareness and Module 2 – Recognise.
1 CPD hours awarded in accordance with NMBI guidance.
Contact details
For queries/comments email
Human Trafficking Awareness Training
Training details
Training is available on HSELanD for all HSE staff, staff from funded services, students and volunteers.
The aim of this resource is to:
- Improve awareness of Human Trafficking in all its forms
- Provide information about the national and international policy context and relevant legislation
- Provide information about the role of the HSE in the context of the new Third National Action plan to Combat Human Trafficking and the revised National Referral Mechanism
- Build knowledge about the work of the HSE Anti-Human Trafficking Team to support victims
This training has been developed by the HSE National Social Inclusion Office in collaboration with the HSE Anti-Human Trafficking Team.
Contact details
For queries/comments email
Climate Action
Food Reduction Training
Date and time
Training details
Food Waste Reduction Training programme for Health Service Staff delivered by the Clean Technology Centre as part of the HSE Green Healthcare Programme.
The training will provide information on examining food waste to help identify potential for food waste reductions along with providing examples of good practice from other healthcare facilities.
Training audience:
- Catering Services Managers
- Supervisors
- Officers
- Instructors
- Any healthcare manager responsible for catering services and staff
Waste Reduction Training
Date and time
- Register for the Waste Reduction training on Wednesday 26 February, 10am to 11am
- Register for the Waste Reduction training on Wednesday 26 March, 10am to 11am
Training details
The overall aim of the training is to provide a non-technical overview of healthcare waste management.
The target audience for the training is:
- HSE staff members or budget holders in a hospital or community health setting
- Managers responsible for waste
- HSE Green Team members
- Interested members of staff
The training will cover:
A short overview of healthcare waste streams, including:
- Where to start
- Reducing healthcare risk waste
Meeting HSE Waste Targets:
- Increase recycling by 75% by 2030
- Reduce food waste by 50% by 2030
- Reduce landfill to 10% by 2030
- Reducing single use
- Examples of actions from healthcare facilities around the country
Water Efficiency Training (for technical staff)
Date and time
- Register for the Water Efficiency Training (for technical staff) on Thursday 27 February, 11am to 1pm
- Register for the Water Efficiency Training (for technical staff) on Thursday 27 March, 11am to 1pm
Training details
This training provides technical and in-depth information on the main aspects of water efficiency outlined in the HSE Water Efficiency Guide for Irish Healthcare Facilities and assists in developing technical actions for a Hospital specific Water Conservation Action Plan.
The Target Audience for the training is:
- Maintenance Staff
- Technical Services Staff
- Facilities Engineers
- Plumbers
- Energy Officers
Energy Basics Training
SEAI provides this training, which requires you to create an account on Energy Link to register.
Register for Energy Basics Training
Date and time
- Tuesday 4 March, 9.30am to 12.30pm
Training details
This three-hour, introductory course aims to deliver basic energy terminology and concepts in Plain English. It will provide context to the energy challenges and opportunities facing Ireland, corresponding Public Sector obligations and introduce commonly used terms, units of measure and technologies. The intent is to provide attendees with knowledge to understand their energy consumption and confidence to contribute to improving it.
Health and Safety
Preventing and Managing Work-Related Stress - a guide for managers
Training details
This training is mandatory for HSE staff whose responsibilities include managing staff and carrying out health and safety risk assessments, to raise awareness of their statutory responsibilities and duty of care in preventing and managing work-related stress.
By the end of this programme, trainees will be able to:
- identify the signs and symptoms of work-related stress in individuals and teams
- identify manager and employee roles and responsibilities relating to preventing and managing work-related stress
Conduct a work-related stress risk assessment with an individual and a team using the HSE template/tool.
Katrina Dempsey, Head of National Health and Safety Function, HSE Workplace Health and Wellbeing Unit, NationalHR
Nodlaig Carroll, Organisational Health Lead, HSE Workplace Health and Wellbeing Unit, National HR
For further information please contact HSE Health and Safety helpdesk.
Use the Health and Safety self-service portal or Phone: 1800 420 420. Monday to Friday 10.30am to 12 noon and 2pm to 3.30pm.
Leadership, Learning and Talent Management (LLTM) programmes
First Time Managers Programme
Date and time
Read about the First Time Managers Programme
- 6, 12, 19 and 26 March
Contact details
Managing Your Time Effectively
Date and time
Half-day programme:
- Thursday 27 March
Read about the Managing Your Time Effectively Programme
Contact details
Presentation Skills
Date and time
Half-day programme:
- Thursday 6 March
- Monday 28 April
Read about the Presentation Skills Programme
Contact details
Coaching Skills for Managers
Date and time
2 day programme, 9am to 4.30pm
- Thursday 6 March and Friday 21 March
- Thursday 3 and Thursday 10 April
Read about the Coaching Skills for Managers programme
Contact details
Managing Attendance
Date and time
One half day, 9am to 1pm
- Wednesday 19 February
Read about the Managing Attendance Programme
Contact details
Effective Meetings
Date and time:
Half day programme, 9am to 1pm
- Friday 7 March
- Thursday 10 April
Read about the Effective Meetings programme
Contact details
Facilitation Skills
Date and time
One day programme, 9am to 5pm
- Wednesday 26 March
- Thursday 10 April
Read more about the Facilitation Skills programme
Contact details
Leading Multi-cultural teams
Date and time
Half-day programme, 9am to 1.30pm
- Tuesday 18 February
- Tuesday 25 March
Read more about the Leading Multicultural Teams programme
Contact details
Effective Feedback
Date and time
One half-day programme, 9am to 1pm
Read more about the Effective Feedback programme
Contact details
Phone: 056 7785505
Minute Taking
Date and time
One half-day programme, 9am to 1pm
- Friday 14 March
- Friday 21 March
- Thursday 27 March
Read more about the Minute Taking programme
Contact details
Corporate Induction Programme
Date and time
Half-day programme, 9am to 1pm on:
- Thursday 20 February
- Wednesday 12 March
Read more about the Corporate Induction programme
Contact details
Clerical Administration Development Programme
Date and time
3-day programme, 9am to 5pm on:
- 4 March, 6 March and 10 April
- 18 February, 26 February and 8 April
- 18 March, 25 March and 10 April
- 20 March, 26 March and 22 April
Read more about the Clerical Administration Development Programme
Contact details
Managing Conflict Effectively
Date and time
1-day programme:
- Wednesday 5 March
- Thursday 20 March
Read about the Managing Conflict Effectively programme
Contact details
Managing Employee Performance Effectively
Date and time
Half-day programme, 9am to 1.30pm:
- Tuesday 18 March
Read about the Managing Employee Performance Effectively programme
Contact details
Mid Career Planning
Date and time
Half-day programme, 9am to 1.30pm:
- Friday 14 February
- Thursday 13 March
Read about the Mid Career Planning programme
Contact details
People Management; the Legal Framework
Date and time
4 half days, with a 1-hour introduction to the programme:
- 26 February (one-hour intro session), 4 March, 5 March, 11 March and 12 March
Read about the People Management the Legal Framework programme
Contact details
Retirement Planning
Date and time
1-day programme:
- Wednesday 26 March
- Wednesday 16 April
Read about the Retirement Planning programme
Contact details
Dignity at Work for Line Managers
Date and time
Half-day programme, 9am to 1.30pm:
- Thursday 20 March
Read about the Dignity at Work for Line Managers programme
Contact details
Managing Grievances Effectively
Date and time
Half-day programme, 9am to 1.30pm:
- Tuesday 25 March
Read about the Managing Grievances Effectively programme
Contact details
National Research and Development
Interplay of Laws
Register for Interplay of Laws training
Date and time
Thursday 27 February, 1pm to 2pm
Training details
This session will explain the linkage between Irish data protection and privacy laws and the Health Research Regulations in the context of health research. We will consider what constitutes ‘health research’, outline the individual rights and processing prohibitions that are subject to derogations, and the safeguards and governance measures to be maintained.
Contact details
Further Processing
Register for Further Processing training
Date and time
Thursday 27 March, 1pm to 2pm
Training details
This session will build on previous sessions to explain the data protection principle of ‘purpose limitation’. We will look at what constitutes ‘further processing’ and its application in the context of health research.
Contact details
Principles in Practice
Register for Principles in Practice training
Date and time
Tuesday 29 April, 1pm to 2pm
Training details
This session will provide a recap of the data protection principles as they apply to key themes from previous sessions. We will consider how to use each of the data protection principles to help make better decisions when dealing with personal data; the safeguards and derogations for health research; additional considerations under the Health Research Regulations and management of personal data at the end of a study.
Contact details
National Centre for Clinical Audit
Fundamentals in Clinical Audit
Date and time
The virtual session will be delivered over 1 day from 10am to 4pm.
- Wednesday 11 June 2025
- Thursday 4 December 2025
Login to HSeLanD and search the Course Catalogue for “Fundamentals of Clinical Audit” in the National Centre for Clinical Audit (NCCA section) to register.
Training details
The aim of training is to assist staff in gaining a basic understanding of the clinical audit process and how to conduct a clinical audit and effectively support others conducting clinical audits.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completing this programme learners will be able to:
- understand the clinical audit process and why it’s important
- develop and undertake a clinical audit
- select a methodology for the clinical audit process
- conduct clinical audit data collection and analysis
- report clinical audit findings
CPD/CEU Eligibility:
Fundamentals in Clinical Audit e-Learning Programme is awarded:
- 10 CPD points – RCPI 10 CEUs
- 6 CPD points – RCPI 6 CEU’s – NMBI
Advanced Clinical Audit
Date and time
The virtual session will be delivered over 1 day from 10am to 4pm.
- Wednesday 25 September 2025
Login to HSeLanD and search the Course Catalogue for “Advanced Clinical Audit” in the National Centre for Clinical Audit (NCCA section) to register.
Training details
The aim of this programme is to further develop learners clinical audit skills in healthcare. The course will build additional skills and knowledge that relate to delivering high quality and patient focused clinical audit. Learners should have previous experience of conducting at least one clinical audit.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completing this programme learners will be able to understand:
- best practice for the clinical audit process.
- how to include patients and service users in clinical audit.
- common barriers to participation in clinical audit.
- best practice in relation to action planning.
- how to use QI techniques within the clinical audit process.
- key aspects of leading the clinical audit process.
- how to present clinical audit findings
CPD/CEU Eligibility:
The Advanced Clinical Audit Programme is awarded:
- 6 CPD Points - RCPI
- 6 CEU points – NMBI
Clinical Audit Action Hours
Date and time
The virtual sessions are 1 hour long from 12.30pm to 1.30pm
From Clinical Audit to Article: Writing and Publishing your Clinical Audit Success:
- Tuesday 8 April 2025
Mastering Data Collection: Smart Sampling Strategies for Clinical Audits:
- Thursday 9 October 2025
Clinical Audit Clinic: Your Questions Answered:
- Tuesday 25 February 2025
- Wednesday 21 May 2025
- Tuesday 23 September 2025
- Friday 21 November 2025
Login to HSeLanD and search the Course Catalogue for “Clinical Audit Action Hour” in the National Centre for Clinical Audit (NCCA section) to register.
Training details
The aim of the webinars is to provide attendees with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively conduct clinical audits. The goal is to enhance the participants' understanding of clinical audit methodology and equip them with the tools to improve the quality and safety of patient care in their respective healthcare settings.
Webinar topics
There is 3 different webinar topics:
- clinical Audit Clinic, Your Questions answered
- from Clinical Audit to Article: Writing and Publishing your Clinical Audit Success
- mastering Data Collection: Smart Sampling Strategies for Clinical Audits
Find information on each webinar and access the NCCA QPS Prospectus
Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Teams
Date and time
All training sessions take place from 11am to 12pm
- Join the meeting Thursday 20 February
- Join the meeting Thursday 6 March
- Join the meeting Thursday 20 March
- Join the meeting Thursday 3 April
Training details
Date and time
All training sessions take place from 12pm to 1pm
- Join the meeting Thursday 20 February
- Join the meeting Thursday 6 March
- Join the meeting Thursday 20 March
Training details
All Microsoft 365 users now have access to OneDrive and SharePoint.
SharePoint is a shared workspace providing a secure space to store, share, and organise information.
To learn more about managing files in SharePoint, join a training session above. Each session starts at 12pm and lasts 1 hour with time for Q+A and comments.
No need to register for a session – simply ‘turn up’ by clicking on the meeting link 5 minutes before the scheduled time.
Date and time
All training sessions take place from 12pm to 1pm
- Join the meeting Thursday 13 February
- Join the meeting Thursday 27 February
- Join the meeting Thursday 13 March
- Join the meeting Thursday 27 March
Training details
All Microsoft 365 users now have access to OneDrive and SharePoint.
OneDrive is your own workspace allowing you to store and protect your HSE files. If you want to share documents with colleagues e.g. to a Team, you can easily do so.
To learn more about managing files in OneDrive, join a training session above. Each session starts at 12pm and lasts 1 hour with time for Q+A and comments.
No need to register for a session – simply ‘turn up’ by clicking on the meeting link 5 minutes before the scheduled time.
Microsoft Planner
Date and time
All training sessions take place from 11am to 12pm
- Join the meeting on Thursday 27 February at 11am
- Join the meeting on Thursday 13 March at 11am
- Join the meeting on Thursday 27 March at 11am
Training details
The Office 365 Team has developed training on Microsoft Planner. This is part of our response to staff training needs identified for day-to-day activities.
What is Microsoft Planner?
Planner is a tool that helps manage tasks in your team.
Why would I use this tool?
- Create Plans
- Assign Tasks to colleagues
- Share files
How do I attend?
Training is on every second Thursday from 11am to 12pm. Simply click on the links above, no pre-registration is required.
Contact details
For any queries, please email
SAP HR/Payroll
Time Webinar
Training details
The SAP CoE training team is presenting a Time Administration (PTMW) live webinar.
The webinar will cover the following topics:
- role of a time returning officer or time administrator
- time managers workplace
- time management integration
- time errors report and time entered report
- time errors and query management
- how to find additional training resources and support
This webinar is open to everyone interested in the time module of SAP. However please note that no SAP Access is allocated on completion of this webinar and users who require access must apply via the Security Access and Training Form for our formal training courses.
Find the SAP HR/Payroll training prospectus
Date and time
Register for webinar on Tuesday 11 March, 10am to 1pm
Register for webinar on Tuesday 8 April, 10am to 1pm
Register for webinar on Wednesday 7 May, 10am to 1pm
Register for webinar on Tuesday 10 June, 10am to 1pm
Register for webinar on Tuesday 8 July, 10am to 1pm
Register for webinar on Tuesday 12 August, 10am to 1pm
Register for webinar on Tuesday 9 September, 10am to 1pm
Register for webinar on Tuesday 7 October, 10am to 1pm
HSE Library
Searching Embase and Medline on the OVID platform
Register for the Searching Embase and Medline on the OVID platform training
Date and time
Thursday 13 February, 11am to 12pm
Training details
- Learn about OVID Embase and Medline
- Learn how to conduct a basic and advanced search on Embase and Medline on the Ovid platform
- Learn about search techniques that are used on the Ovid platform
- Learn how to create an account to save searches and results and to export results.
(NMBI 1 CPD Hours, RCSI 1.0 CPD Credit pending)
Managing and Screening References using EndNote and Rayyan
Register for the Managing and Screening References using EndNote and Rayyan
Date and time
Thursday 27 February, 11am to 1pm
Training details
This training will cover:
Part 1
- Endnote and Rayyan in the context of the PRISMA workflow
- Understand what EndNote Online is - its functionalities and limitations
- How to import reference files and add references manually
- Using groups to manage references
- Collaborating within EndNote Online
- De-duplicating references
Part 2
- Understand what screening is
- Using Rayyan for screening, its functionalities and limitations
- Creating a review and importing reference files into Rayyan
- Collaborating on a review in Rayyan
- Creating inclusion and exclusion keywords to facilitate screening
- Screening within Rayyan and resolving conflicts
- Exporting final results
- Using the “Cite While You Write” plug in to write your report/research
(NMBI 2 CPD Hours, RCSI 2.0 CPD Credits pending)
National Institute for Prevention and Cardiovascular Health
Mastering Skills in Arterial and Capillary Blood Sampling in Adults
Register for the Mastering Skills in Arterial and Capillary Blood Sampling in Adults training
Date and time
Wednesday 26 March, 3.30pm to 4.30pm
Training details
This online workshop provides participants with the knowledge and skills to undertake radial artery and capillary blood gas sampling and interpretation.
Workshop Format:
- 7 self-paced online modules
- A 1-hour live practical session
- An end of course assessment
Learning Outcomes:
- Describe the physiology of acid base balance, ventilation and the radial artery
- Describe the process of assessing patients’ oxygenation status
- Gain insight into the potential complications of the test
- Explain the importance and to be able to carry out the modified Allen’s Test
- Interpret the results of a blood gas and to implement care according to that result
Contact details
Sexual Health Promotion
Foundation Programme in Sexual Health Promotion (FPSHP)
REC, ST. Brigid’s Complex, Ardee, Co. Louth
- 5 and 6 March 2025
- 29 and 30 April 2025
Training details
Priority is given to CHO 8 area as this course is being provided throughout the HSE.
There is a telephone interview as part of the application procedure for the FPSHP.
The new revised Format 6 –day Foundation Programme in Sexual Health Promotion (FPSHP) is a comprehensive capacity building training programme for service providers who want to develop their confidence, skill and knowledge in the area of sexual health promotion, and incorporate sexual health promotion into their work.
Application forms are available on request from and must be submitted by Monday 27 January 2025.
Contact details
For further information, please email
Make Every Contact Count
MECC Training Programme – eLearning & Enhancing Your Skills Workshop
Training details
Access the MECC Training Programme – eLearning & Enhancing Your Skills Workshop HSeLanD.
eLearning is available ongoing and workshops are available nationally, upon completion of eLearning.
The Making Every Contact Count (MECC) Training Programme, is standardised training designed to educate healthcare professionals in brief intervention skills required to support patients/service users in lifestyle behaviour change. MECC training is a blended learning course, with an eLearning and a workshop component, and available to all healthcare professionals in Ireland. The eLearning consists of 6 core modules taking 3 hours to complete. And 2 optional modules, which are encouraged and provide additional certification. Following completion of the eLearning, there is an opportunity to complete the ‘Enhancing your Brief Intervention skills’ workshop, available in all areas.
Contact details
Genetics and Genomics
New Fundamentals of Genetic and Genomic Testing eLearning Programme
Training details
Fundamentals of Genetic and Genomic Testing is an eLearning Programme now available on HSeLanD.
The National Genetics and Genomics Office (NGGO) is responsible for implementing the National Strategy for Accelerating Genetic and Genomic Medicine in Ireland.
The aim of this programme is to develop your genetic and genomic awareness and literacy. The target audience for this training programme is all clinicians, nursing staff, and health care professionals in primary and secondary care regardless of specialty or career stage.
This programme will ensure you understand human genetic variations. Appreciate the different genetic testing methods available and understand the framework in which pathogenicity is assigned to individual genetic variants, and when it is safe to act clinically on testing results.
Health regions webinar series
Watch back: 'Balancing Stability with Change' creating conditions for integration
Webinar details
The Health Regions Programme Team is running a series of webinars in 2024. These webinars will provide an update on the implementation of health regions, along with a focus on key objectives of the programme.
The purpose of this webinar was to:
- provide an update on health regions implementation
- focus on managing change in the HSE as we move towards more integrated care
- share relevant resources and first-hand experiences of implementing change
Watch back Webinar 2: “Balancing Stability with Change” Creating Conditions for Integration
If you want more information about the health region implementation programme, email
Watch back: Health Regions Programme webinar focused on population-based planning
The Health Regions Programme Team is running a series of webinars in 2024. These webinars will provide an update on the implementation of health regions.
The first webinar in the series was on Thursday 27 June. It focused on:
- implementation of the health regions
- population-based planning
- regional health profiles
- Health Atlas
View presentation slides from the health regions webinar on Thursday 27 June (PDF, 6.62MB, 53 pages)