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Devices and software

General IT devices

Software requests

USB memory stick

Smartphone requests

Mobile phone and mifi


General IT devices

Process for ordering PCs and laptops.

For printer and scanner orders in the Midlands region only, complete and return the Printer and Scanner order form. Complete this form in Word. Print and sign the form. Log a request ticket and attach a copy through NSD Self Service.

Software requests

Standard software is installed as part of the HSE national PC and laptop image. You are responsible for the use of all software, in accordance with the HSE IT Acceptable Use Policy, Irish Copyright and related Rights Act 2000 and software licensing agreements. Read ICT policies.

Licensed software

For licence-based software, you must provide the licence details. You will need an approved purchase order (PO) to send to the vendor to get an order raised.

The vendor will provide proof of purchase and/or licence details. You need to include this as part of your request to the NSD (include it with the software request form).

To request software installation you will need to complete the software request form.

The form must be completed by you, your senior manager or budget holder.

You must complete the form in Word. Log a request ticket and attach a copy through NSD Self Service.

USB memory stick

Only HSE-approved USB memory sticks, distributed by Technology and Transformation, may be used to store or transfer HSE data.

To request a USB memory stick, log a ticket that includes the USB memory stick agreement with National Service Desk equipment request templates portal.

Smartphone requests

Get information on ordering or upgrading to a new smartphone and setting up roaming.


Contact the National Service Desk (NSD)

Use the NSD self-service portal or phone 0818 300 300