Employee Induction is a process for welcoming new employees and helping them adapt to their new roles and workplace. It is a five stage approach.
Stage 1 – Pre-employment Induction
This stage ensures that the line manager prepares for the arrival of the new employee, prior to the commencement of employment within their team.
Stage 2 – Corporate Induction (part 1 of 2) - i-START induction hub
Corporate Induction represents an introduction to the wider organisation, presenting new employees to the organisational values, structures and services. Part 1 of Corporate Induction is delivered through elearning on HSeLanD. It covers twelve themes, designed to support new employees and employees changing roles. The i-START induction hub should be completed within four months of the employee’s start date and before attending part 2 of Corporate Induction.
Stage 3 – Departmental Induction
This stage provides appropriate information to employees relevant to their own role and department, while providing the line manager with a framework to communicate policies and procedures to employees.
Stage 4 – Site Induction
This stage provides information on various services within the site to new employees . In some services, a site induction may be incorporated into the departmental induction.
Stage 5 – Corporate Induction (part 2 of 2) – corporate induction virtual programme
Corporate Induction part 2 is a follow-on from the completion of the i-START hub on HSeLanD. It is delivered through a half-day virtual classroom programme facilitated by Leadership, Learning and Talent Management. This virtual programme provides new employees and employees changing roles with an understanding of their role within the HSE, what the HSE expects of them as employees and what the HSE can offer them. This stage of induction should be completed within four months of an employee’s start date and after completion of the i–START induction hub.
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Contact Leadership, Learning and Talent Management (LLTM)
Email: traininganddevelopment@hse.ie
Phone: 01 8817 038 or 01 881 7085
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