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Learning Talks podcast

The Learning Talks podcast aims to explore topical issues from areas such as management, leadership, HR and people management. The podcast is available on HSeLanD. You can listen to it on your PC or phone.

  • Episode 1 – Compassionate Leadership
  • Episode 2 – Leadership – a two-way relationship
  • Episode 3 – Psychological Safety – does your team have it?
  • Episode 4 – From Conflict to Resolution – a leader’s toolkit
  • Episode 5 – What’s your mindset?
  • Episode 6 – Building Positive Workplaces
  • Episode 7 – HSE CEO on Leading the Health Service

To access on your PC:

  1. Login to
  2. Select Hubs & Resources and scroll down to find 'Discovery Zone'
  3. Type podcast into the search bar and select the 'Learning Talks' podcast

To access on your phone:

  1. Login to
  2. Select the Menu Bars on the top right of the screen
  3. Select Hubs & Resources and scroll down to find 'Discovery Zone'
  4. Type podcast into the search bar and select the 'Learning Talks' podcast

Related content

Learning Talks Podcast access guide (PDF, 824KB, 1 page)

Contact Leadership, Learning and Talent Management (LLTM)

Phone: 01 8817 038 or 01 881 7085

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