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You can manage your leave requests on HR and Payroll Self Service.
This includes:
- checking leave requests status
- cancelling leave requests
- requesting to carry forward leave
- applying for different types of leave
- review and approve staff leave (managers/approvers only)
Leave you can apply for
You can apply for leave that requires one level of approval through HR and Payroll Self Service.
You cannot apply for leave types that require ‘2 step’ authorisation (where a HR form needs to be submitted). Examples include maternity leave and career breaks. You must follow existing procedures, including submitting forms, for this type of leave.
Related content
My leave requests less than one day (PDF, 1 MB, 5 pages)
My leave requests less than one day (video)
My leave requests one day or more (PDF, 1 MB, 5 pages)
My leave requests one day or more (video)
My leave faqs (PDF, 585 KB, 6 pages)
Upload a sick cert tutorial (video)
My leave requests view leave status (video)
My leave requests - domestic violence leave (PDF, 609 KB, 2 pages)
Delete or edit leave requests
To delete your leave request click on the bin icon.
To edit your leave request click on the pencil icon.
The change to your leave request will show on HR and Payroll Self Service when your manager approves it.
Process for correcting absence conflicts
You will get an error message when a time administrator inputs your requested leave into SAP before your leave is approved. To fix this issue, follow the process for the correction of absence conflicts (PDF, 600 KB, 2 pages)
Full leave entitlement not showing
The annual leave balance shown in HR and Payroll Self Service accrues on a daily basis. It is normal for this balance to show less than your annual leave entitlement for the year. This does not affect you taking leave.
You can apply for leave if your quota is low. This will be taken from your earned leave throughout the year.
Related documents
Leave balances explained (video)
Leave balances explained slides (PDF, 653KB, 8 pages)
Step by step annual leave balance explained (PDF, 715KB, 2 pages)
Carry leave forward
You can carry forward untaken annual leave into the first 6 months of the new leave year, in exceptional circumstances. You can apply for this through the Carry Forward leave tile on HR and Payroll Self Service. If your manager approves the carry forward leave, your balance will be available under the My Leave Requests tile.
Related documents
Carry leave forward (PDF, 800KB, 3 pages)
Carry forward annual leave FAQs (PDF, 4 MB, 2 pages)
My inbox leave carry forward requests (managers) (video)
Leave carry forward - how to carry forward your leave (video)
Incorrect approver for authorising leave
If the approver to authorise your leave is incorrect on HR and Payroll Self Service, complete the reporting line change form and return it to the Organisation Management (OM) administrator in your area.
My Inbox- reminders and correct trip information
When you submit a travel claim or leave request, you will receive a message in My Inbox (employees). This is a reminder to follow up with your manager if the requests are not approved. The messages are removed from the inbox once your manager approves. Your manager will also receive a reminder email if there are a number of items in their inbox to review.
If your manager rejects a travel claim because of incorrect information, you will receive a ‘correct trip message’ in My Inbox. This will contain a note from your manager on what needs to be corrected.
My Inbox - employees (PDF, 624KB, 3 pages)
Parental leave quotas
You can create and view your parental leave quota on the Parental Leave Quota tile. After your manager approves your parental leave request, submit it using the My Leave Request tile.
Contact the Self Service Helpdesk-NiSRP using any of the following options:
Log your query on Health Shared Services Self Service Portal
Email support.nisrp@hse.ie
When emailing the helpdesk include your name and personnel number (or your PPS number if you do not know your personnel number).
Phone: 0818 300 296 9am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday
For pay and payslip queries contact your local payroll department