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Night and shift workers

Managers must undertake a risk assessment for night and shift work. Night work refers to work carried out between 12 midnight and 7am on the following day.

You are a night worker if you:

  • normally work at least 3 hours of your daily working time during night time
  • your number of night-time working hours is 50%, or more, of the total number of hours, worked for that year

Shift work is when different groups of workers do the same jobs in relay. It can involve evening or night shifts, early morning shifts, and rotating shifts.

Negative effects of night and shift work

The negative effects of night and shift work include:

  • disruption of your internal body clock (circadian rhythms)
  • sleeping difficulties
  • fatigue
  • disruption to family and social life
  • health effects
  • errors and accidents

If you become unwell because of night or shift work, you should talk to your manager. If necessary, your manager can refer you to Occupational Health.

Risk assessment by managers

Managers must undertake a generic risk assessment (Word, 40KB, 2 pages) for night and shift work.

The risk factors to assess are:

  • workload
  • work activity
  • shift pattern
  • timing and duration
  • breaks
  • physical environment
  • welfare issues
  • rotation
  • management issues
  • health assessment

Some employees in sensitive risk groups may be more at risk than other shift workers such as:

  • pregnant employees
  • younger and older employees
  • workers with pre-existing health conditions
  • new employees

Additional control measures may be needed to lessen the risk for these employees.

Guidance for employers and employees on night and shift work –

Health assessment for night workers

Managers must offer an assessment of the health effects of night working.

This assessment should be offered:

  • before employing a person as a night worker
  • at regular intervals during their employment as a night worker

A registered medical practitioner, or a person acting under their supervision, must carry out this assessment. They will inform the manager and the employee if the employee is fit or unfit to perform the night work concerned.

Related document

Generic risk assessment fillable form template (Word, 132 KB, 2 pages)

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Monday to Friday 10.30am to 12 noon and 2.00pm to 3.30pm