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Latest training opportunities

Social Inclusion

Opioid Overdose Awareness and Naloxone Administration Training

To access the course please login to your HSeLanD account and search with the keyword ‘naloxone’.

Training details

The HSE’s Opioid Overdose Awareness and Naloxone Administration Two Module Training course enabled by the SI 238 of 2023 has been developed by the HSE National Social Inclusion Office to provide learners with the skills to recognise, intervene and respond to an opioid overdose, including the administration of naloxone.

Naloxone is used as an antidote to temporarily reverse the effects of opioid drugs like heroin, morphine, methadone and synthetic opioids including nitazenes if someone overdoses.

The course is open to all HSeLanD users and designed for all frontline workers (clinical and non-clinical) and volunteers who may witness an opioid overdose.

The Module 1 eLearning course on HSeLanD is a pre-requisite, along with current in-date CPR training for enrolment on the in-person Module 2 course, details of which are available on HSeLanD.

Successful completion of both Modules is required by an organisation to notify the HPRA (via the Emergency Medicines Portal) of its intention to procure or purchase a naloxone from a pharmacy or other supplier for supply and administration in an emergency situation in line with SI 449 of 2015, SI 530 of 2018 and SI 162 of 2024.

Contact details


National Office for Suicide Prevention

Let’s Talk About Suicide

Enrol and complete the Let’s Talk About Suicide training programme

Training details

Let’s Talk About Suicide is a new, free online suicide prevention training programme from the HSE. It helps people to develop their skills to keep others safe from suicide. It helps participants to identify people who are at risk, confidently ask about the topic of suicide and connect them with resources that can help them stay safe.

This introductory programme uses a mix of guided online content, video and interactive questions. Participants can pause and recommence the programme at their own convenience. On average, the programme will take 60 minutes to complete, but participants can work at their own pace.

Contact details

The HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention:

Climate Action and Sustainability

Change by Degrees ‘101 Sustainability E-Learning Programme’

Training details

  • Available for a 6 month period from May to November 2024.
  • Limited places allocated on a first come, first served basis.

This training focuses on climate change, biodiversity and social sustainability. It is a self-paced programme consisting of 14 modules, each taking approx. 30 minutes to complete, and is engaging and very informative. The e-learning modules not only encompass our sustainability goals, but also teach us so much more about sustainability in our communities, human rights and wellbeing. There will also be a series of webinars offered to our participants, tailored to what the HSE is doing to achieve net zero through the implementation of our Climate Strategy and how you can play your part.

Application details

Please email the following to

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email address
  • Team
  • Role

Contact details

Energy Basics (online training)

Create an SEAI account to register for carbon basics online training

Date and time

Tuesday 10 September from 9.30am to 12.30pm

Training details

This 3 hour, introductory training course aims to demystify carbon terminology and concepts using Plain English. It will provide context to the emissions challenges and opportunities facing Ireland, corresponding Public Sector obligations and introduce commonly used terms, units of measure and reporting approaches. The course does not focus on design or technical issues, but rather provides a fundamental understanding of carbon and energy related emissions.

Carbon Basics (online training)

Create an SEAI account to register for energy basics online training

Date and time

Thursday 10 October 2024 from 9.30am to 12.30pm

Training details

This 3 hour, introductory course aims to deliver basic energy terminology and concepts in Plain English. It will provide context to the energy challenges and opportunities facing Ireland, corresponding Public Sector obligations and introduce commonly used terms, units of measure and technologies. The intent is to provide attendees with knowledge to understand their energy consumption and confidence to contribute to improving it.

Workplace health and wellbeing

Menopause and you: What everyone needs to know

Find the Menopause and you: What everyone needs to know training programme on HSeLanD

Training details

The HSE Workplace Health & Wellbeing Unit developed 2 eLearning programmes to support the HSE’s Menopause Policy.

The first module should be completed by all employees. It outlines how menopause can impact people at work and possible adjustments that may help manage this. It also signposts affected employees to supports both in and out of the workplace.

The second is for managers and outlines how to support employees whose work is impacted by menopausal symptoms. The content in this module will enable managers to lead with empathy and understanding as they and their team work to normalise conversations around menopause.

Read about the HSE Menopause policy


Menopause and you: What managers need to know

Find the Menopause and you: What managers need to know training programme on HSELanD

Training details

The HSE Workplace Health & Wellbeing Unit developed 2 eLearning programmes to support the HSE’s Menopause Policy.

The first module should be completed by all employees. It outlines how menopause can impact people at work and possible adjustments that may help manage this. It also signposts affected employees to supports both in and out of the workplace.

The second is for managers and outlines how to support employees whose work is impacted by menopausal symptoms. The content in this module will enable managers to lead with empathy and understanding as they and their team work to normalise conversations around menopause.

Read about the HSE Menopause policy


Delivering Change in Health Services

Change Guide in Action Workshop

Training details

This lively, interactive virtual workshop on the Change Guide in Action, features your Health and Social Care colleagues shared experiences of delivering effective and sustainable change. This evidence-based approach puts People and Culture at the Centre of the Change.

In 2024, the Change Guide in Action workshops will cover three practical areas:

  • Getting ready for change - Focusing on personal, team and service readiness for change.
  • Influencing for change and encouraging involvement.
  • Managing transition and supporting ongoing change including dealing with resistance to change.

You can register to attend all three workshops or choose any workshop applicable to your needs.

Date and time

Managing Transition and Supporting Ongoing Change including Dealing with Resistance:

  • 25 September, 11am to 1pm
  • 23 October, 11am to 1pm
  • 27 November, 11am to 1pm

Contact details

Register by emailing with subject line: Change Guide in Action Workshop to secure a place

Change Consultation Clinics

Training details

The Change Consultation Clinic is facilitated by experienced HSE Organisation Development Practitioners from the Change and Innovation Team, Kells, Co Meath.

The People’s Needs Defining Change - Health Services Change Guide informs our practitioners’ practice. It is the essential guide to change, mapping out a step-by-step approach and also assisting you address the ‘messiness of change’.

The Change Guide, researched in the context of healthcare in Ireland, is evidence-based. It is the policy framework and agreed approach to change signed off by HSE Leadership and co-sponsored and agreed with the Trade Unions.

Date and time

Clinics run from 10am to 1pm

  • 12 September
  • 10 October
  • 14 November
  • 12 December

Contact details

Register by emailing with subject line: Change Consultation Clinic

Health and Safety

Preventing and Managing Work-Related Stress - a guide for managers

Find the Preventing and Managing Work-Related Stress - a guide for managers training programme on HSeLanD

Training details

This training is mandatory for HSE staff whose responsibilities include managing staff and carrying out health and safety risk assessments, to raise awareness of their statutory responsibilities and duty of care in preventing and managing work-related stress.

By the end of this programme, trainees will be able to:

  • identify the signs and symptoms of work-related stress in individuals and teams
  • identify manager and employee roles and responsibilities relating to preventing and managing work-related stress

Conduct a work-related stress risk assessment with an individual and a team using the HSE template/tool.


Katrina Dempsey, Head of National Health and Safety Function, HSE Workplace Health and Wellbeing Unit, NationalHR


Nodlaig Carroll, Organisational Health Lead, HSE Workplace Health and Wellbeing Unit, National HR


For further information please contact HSE Health and Safety helpdesk.

Use the Health and Safety self-service portal or Phone: 1800 420 420. Monday to Friday 10.30 am to 12 noon and 2 pm to 3.30 pm.

Population health

SPHeRE PhD Programme (Structured Population health, Policy and Health-services Research Education)

Date and time

The programme commences on 25 September 2024. Full time-4 year programme with part time options available


Registration can be in any of the nine universities in Ireland. Teaching takes place in RCSI, TCD and UCC.

How to attend or register for the SPHeRE PhD programme

Scholar applications are now being accepted for the SPHeRE PhD Programme for those applying for one of the 6 HRB funded SPHeRE Scholarships, or those who are self-funded.

Applicants who wish to apply for a SPHeRE funded Scholarship must submit an application form and select their preferred project (or maximum of three projects). 6 scholarships are available for the 2024 academic year. Out of the 10 advertised projects, six projects will receive a SPHeRE funded Scholar. Further details are available on the SPHeRE website through the link below.

The deadline for SPHeRE funded Scholarship applications, and self-funded applications, is Monday 22nd April at 12 noon.

Alternatively funded Scholars can also join the programme and there are no additional fees charged by SPHeRE for this. Alternatively funded Scholar applications are assessed on a rolling basis until August 2024.

Training details

SPHeRE is Ireland’s national research training programme for population health, policy and health services research (PHPHSR) and is funded by the Health Research Board in Ireland. The SPHeRE concept captures our approach to the inter-relationship of research, translation and practice.

Our aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of groups or populations through high-quality research, and stakeholder engagement, addressing current and emerging issues in population health, health policy and health systems.

Our vision is to embed a culture of research in population health, health policy and health systems, grounded in principles of scientific inquiry and inclusion.


SPHeRE Programme Manager - Katherine Walsh

Enterprise Risk Management

'Train the Trainer' overview webinar sessions

Join the 'Train the Trainer' overview webinar Tuesday 30 July at 1pm

Join the 'Train the Trainer' overview webinar Tuesday 24 September at 1pm

Join the 'Train the Trainer' overview webinar Wednesday 30 October at 1pm

Join the 'Train the Trainer' overview webinar Wednesday 27 November at 1pm

Join the 'Train the Trainer' overview webinar Wednesday 18 December at 1pm

Training details

Due to the substantial interest for a rerun of the ‘Overview’ training webinars on the Enterprise Risk Management Policy and Procedures 2023 that the ERM team facilitated last October, we are delighted to announce that there will be a monthly ‘Lunch and Learn’ session of this webinar in 2024.

The objective is to adopt a train the trainer approach so that experienced risk management colleagues can use this resource in their own engagements with their teams and other staff members. These sessions are designed for staff who are in the role of supporting and facilitating risk management across the HSE and who are familiar with the key principles of risk management. Each session will conclude with a dedicated question and answers segment.

Contact details

The Fundamentals of Enterprise Risk Management

Find The Fundamentals of Enterprise Risk Management training on HSeLanD

Training details

We would also like to bring to your attention to our recently launched ‘Fundamentals of Enterprise Risk Management’ e-learning programme hosted on HSELanD. This programme will support the learner in understanding each of the steps in the risk management process. To enrol login to HSELanD at and search for ‘Fundamentals of Enterprise Risk Management’ in the course catalogues. Alternatively, the module is accessible through Quality, Leadership & Management section, in the ‘Risk Management’ folder.

Contact details

Leadership, Learning and Talent Management (LLTM) programmes

First Time Managers Programme

Date and time

4 day programme, 9am to 5pm

  • Wednesday 19, Thursday 20, Thursday 27 June and Wednesday 3 July

Training details

Now available on HSeLanD

Learn more about the First Time Managers Programme

Contact details


Coaching Skills for Managers

Date and time

2 day programme, 9am to 4.30pm

  • Wednesday 3 and Thursday 4 July
  • Tuesday 9 and Thursday 18 July

Training details

Now available on HSeLanD

Programme Aim

Aimed at managers and supervisors who want to develop a new understanding of how a coaching style of management can further develop their staff and enhance workplace performance

Learning Objectives

  • Be able to describe and understand how a coaching approach enables an engaging effective management / leadership style
  • Distinguish between Counselling, Mentoring and Coaching
  • Be able to use impactful communication that allows a coaching style of Management/ Leadership
  • Recognise the impact of self-awareness, and emotional intelligence on working relationships
  • Explore how to engage in supportive feedback using a coaching approach

Contact details


Dignity at Work for Line Managers

Date and time

Half day programme, 9am to 1.30pm

  • Tuesday 30 July

Training details

Now available on HSeLanD

Programme Aim

The overall aim of this programme is to provide line managers with the necessary skills and knowledge to foster a positive supportive work environment, where good communication, support and mutual respect are the norm and to enable line managers to resolve complaints informally at local level where appropriate in line with the Dignity at Work Policy.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this programme you will have a greater understanding of the following:

  • The HSE Dignity at Work Policy
  • Roles and responsibilities of line managers under the Dignity at Work Policy
  • The key supports and services available under the policy including Mediation, Coaching and Workplace Health and Well-being Infrastructures
  • Identifying what it means to have a positive work environment and how to ensure this is developed, promoted and embedded within the department
  • How to address conflict informally

Application of practical skills from role-play and scenario-based learning

Contact details


Effective Feedback

Date and time

Half-day programme from 9.00am to 1.00pm

  • Tuesday 9 July

Read about the Effective Feedback training programme

Contact details


Phone: 087 430 4361

Effective Meetings

Date and time:

Half day programme, 9am to 1pm

  • Wednesday 17 July

Read about the Effective Meetings programme

Contact details: 


Minute Taking

Date and time

Half-day programme, 9am to 1pm

  • Thursday 11 July

Read about the Minute Taking programme

Contact details


Facilitation Skills

Date and time

One day programme, 9am to 5pm

  • Thursday 18 July

Read more about the Facilitation Skills programme

Contact details


SAP CoE HR & Payroll Training

SAP CoE HR & Payroll Training

The SAP CoE HR & Payroll Training Team offers a range of training programmes tailored to your needs, focused on enhancing your SAP HR/Payroll skills and knowledge.

Please see our Training Prospectus 2024 for all the details of our courses

HSE Lean Academy

HSE Lean Academy Lean Green Belt

Register for HSE Lean Academy Lean Green Belt

Date and time

Register by Wednesday 11 September 2024

Training details

Learn about how Lean and Green Thinking can have a real impact in a wide variety of Healthcare settings.

The aim of the Lean Green Belt programme is: to embed knowledge and skills within the workforce and across the organisation.

This will enable the delivery of Operational Excellence projects through the application of Lean processes and tools.

Find out more at and follow us on LinkedIn.

Contact for further details.

HSE Lean Academy Lean for Sustainable Healthcare

Register for HSE Lean Academy Lean for Sustainable Healthcare

Date and time

Register by Wednesday 11 September 2024

Training details

The Lean for Sustainable Healthcare programme delivers a Yellow Belt that provides learners with a comprehensive overview of Lean Six Sigma concepts, with a large focus on areas of sustainability.

The programme aims to assist learners to embrace responsible and sustainable business practices through managing a work-based project throughout the programme to deliver benefits that make a real impact on the organisation

Find out more at and follow us on LinkedIn.

Contact for further details.

HSE Lean Academy Lean Yellow Belt

Register for HSE Lean Academy Lean Yellow Belt

Date and time

Register by Wednesday 11 September 2024

Training details

The Lean Yellow Belt programme provides the practical skills and knowledge to identify, analyse and develop solutions for simple Operational Excellence Projects. Learners will manage a work-based project throughout the programme to deliver benefits that make a real impact on the organisation.

Find out more at and follow us on LinkedIn.

Contact for further details.

Health and Wellbeing

Sexual Health Promotion Foundation Programme - 6-day face-to-face training

To request an application form, email

The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is Friday 28 June 2024.


REC, St. Brigid’s Complex, Ardee, Co. Louth

Training dates

  • 11 and 12 September
  • 9 and 10 October
  • 6 and 7 November

Training details

The new revised Format 6 –day Foundation Programme in Sexual Health Promotion (FPSHP) is a comprehensive capacity building training programme for service providers who want to develop their confidence, skill and knowledge in the area of sexual health promotion, and incorporate sexual health promotion into their work.

Contact details

To request an application form email

Kick Start to Staff Health: Health and Wellbeing Taster Sessions (CHO 8 Midlands Louth Meath staff only)

Register for Kick Start to Staff Health: Health and Wellbeing Taster Sessions (CHO 8 Midlands Louth Meath staff only)

Date and time

This programme will be open for registration from January to November 2024. Runs monthly from 1st of Month to the last day of the month.

Training details

This training is open to all HSE staff clinical and non clinical in CHO 8 Midlands Louth Meath.

The Online Kick Start Taster Sessions for HSE Staff aim to help you make healthy choices and improve your overall health and wellbeing.

This is a virtual programme running over a calendar month. Each week we will send you an email containing WebEx links to the pre-recorded sessions (no more than 2 sessions per week for 4 weeks). Each session will focus on improving your overall health and wellbeing and give you the confidence to make informed decisions.

Programme consists of:

  • Online programme
  • Delivered over a calendar month
  • Pre-recorded sessions 30mins long
  • 24hr access to sessions
  • Topics cover Healthy Eating, Self-care and Stress Management, Men’s and Women’s Health, Physical Activity etc.
  • Links to additional HP&I services and training

For more information about the programme, please email

Minding Your Wellbeing - Louth workshops

Register for a Minding Your Wellbeing Louth workshop

Date and time

One day workshop from 9.15am (registration) to 4.30pm at HSE Ardee Regional Education Centre, Ardee, Co. Louth

  • Thursday 24 October
  • Thursday 21 November
  • Thursday 5 December

Please note you must receive an email from Enthuse to confirm your registration. Please ensure your email address is populated correctly in registration form as this is our only form of contact with you.

Training details

This is a one-day workshop offered by Health Promotion & Improvement, Health and Wellbeing, to support staff to care for their own mental health and wellbeing and to build good self-care practices for every day.

For more information, please email

Minding Your Wellbeing - Meath workshops

Register for a Minding Your Wellbeing Meath workshop

Date and time

  • Tuesday 24 September, 9.30am to 4.30pm at Navan Education Centre, Athlumney, Navan, Co. Meath, C15 RK03

Training details

A one-day workshop offered by Health Promotion & Improvement, Health and Wellbeing, to support staff to care for their own mental health and wellbeing and to build good self-care practices for every day.

For more information, please email

Human Rights and Equality

National Consent Policy e-learning module 1 and 2

Login to HSeLanD

Information and training about our HSE National Consent Policy

Includes 2 e-learning modules including

Module 1 - General Principles and

Module 2 - Working with Children and Young People

National Haemovigilance Office

Blood Transfusion Training

Training details

Now available on HSeLanD

The National Haemovigilance Office has launched a Blood Transfusion eLearning programme on HSeLanD. Tailored for nurses, midwives, doctors, and healthcare workers, it offers comprehensive guidance on transfusion practices.

The program features seven modules:

  • Blood Components: (35 mins)
  • Consent for Transfusion: Essential training for healthcare professionals: (20 mins)
  • Essential Blood Transfusion Practice (35mins)
  • Good Manufacturing Practice in Blood Transfusion: (30 mins)
  • Introduction to Transfusion Laboratory Practice: (30 mins)
  • Transfusion Reactions: (20 mins)
  • Use of Anti D Immunoglobulin in Pregnancy: (30 mins)

Learners can access it conveniently through HSeLanD's clinical skills catalogue or by searching "Blood Transfusion" on the HSeLanD homepage.

For more information, please email the National Haemovigilance Office

Children's Health Ireland

Recognition and Management of Sepsis in Children

Training details

Now available on HSeLanD

Learners will improve their understanding of the pathophysiology of sepsis in children and how to:

  • identify those children at higher risk of sepsis
  • recognise the signs and symptoms of sepsis
  • use the Paediatric Sepsis Form to recognise, treat and manage children with sepsis.
  • identify the need for specialist/critical care referral

Find more sepsis information and resources

Microsoft 365

Managing Files in OneDrive and SharePoint

Date and time

11am to 1pm

Training details

All M365 users now have access to OneDrive and SharePoint.

OneDrive is your own workspace allowing you to store and protect your HSE files. If you want to share documents with colleagues e.g. to a Team, you can easily do so. SharePoint is a shared workspace providing a secure space to store, share, and organise information.

To learn more about managing files in OneDrive and SharePoint, join a training session below. Each session starts at 11am and lasts 1.5 hours with time for Q+A and comments.

No need to register for a session – simply ‘turn up’ by clicking on the meeting link 5 minutes before the scheduled time.

Microsoft Teams