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Supplementary pension

A supplementary pension is a potential HSE benefit. If payable, it aims to bridge the gap between the pension you currently receive as a class A PRSI contributor (while employed), and the pension you would have received as a class D PRSI contributor.

Eligibility criteria

To qualify for a supplementary pension, you must meet the following conditions:

  • paid class A PRSI while employed
  • receiving a pension benefit from the HSE
  • be unemployed
  • age 60 for non-new entrants or age 65 for new entrants
  • due to reasons outside your control, you do not qualify for a social welfare benefit, or qualify for a social welfare benefit at a reduced rate. Benefits include:
    • contributory state pension
    • jobseekers benefit
    • illness benefit
    • invalidity pension

You're a non-new entrant if you started working in the public sector before 1 April 2004. You're a new entrant if you started working in the public sector on or after 1 April 2004.

Supplementary pension allowance

The supplementary pension allowance is the difference between your:

  • PRSI class A HSE pension, plus
  • any social welfare or reduced social welfare payment you are getting, and
  • PRSI class D pension (where no coordination with the contributory state pension is applied if you paid PRSI class D during your employment)

Applying for supplementary pension

If you do not qualify for a social welfare payment or a reduced social welfare payment, you can apply for a supplementary pension from your pension area office.

Your pension area office will need the following documents:

  • HSE supplementary pension application form
  • DEASP form confirming no entitlement, or reduced entitlement, to a social welfare payment

When payments end

If you are eligible for a supplementary pension, it will end the day before you turn 65 (if you qualify for a benefit payment from the DEASP until you reach age 66).

To qualify for this payment at age 65, you must have stopped working and meet the social insurance (PRSI) conditions.

The contributory state pension will become payable when you turn 66, the current eligibility age.