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Early retirement

As a member of a HSE pension scheme, you have a minimum retirement age but you can retire earlier than this.

If you retire earlier than your minimum retirement age you can receive immediate payment of your pension benefits, but these benefits will be reduced.

Your minimum retirement age depends on which scheme you belong to.

Minimum and maximum retirement ages

Cost neutral early retirement (CNER)

Retirement with pension benefits is allowed with approval from your line manager under the Cost Neutral Early Retirement Scheme (CNER).

Age at which you can retire under this scheme:

  • non-new entrants can retire from age 50
  • new entrants can retire from age 55

You're a non-new entrant if you started working in the public sector before 1 April 2004. The minimum age a non-new entrant can retire and claim pension benefits without a reduction is 60 (if you have 2 years pensionable service).

You're a new entrant if you started working in the public sector on or after 1 April 2004. The minimum age a new entrant can retire and claim pension benefits without a reduction is 65 (if you have 2 years pensionable service).

CNER pension reductions

CNER enables you to retire early with payment of your pension benefits. Your pension and lump sum payments will be reduced. This is because your pension will be paid over a longer period of time, as you will be receiving your pension benefits before your minimum retirement age.

Apply for CNER

To apply for CNER, fill in the following forms and send them to your pension area office:

Retirement form HR107(a) and Leaving form HR106

Cost Neutral Early Retirement Form for HSE Pension Scheme (PDF, 47 KB, 1 page) (HSE Pension Scheme)

Cost Neutral Early Retirement Form for Single Scheme (Word, 204 KB, 1 page) (Single Scheme)

Resigning before minimum retirement age

If you resign from your job before your minimum retirement age you may:

  • transfer your pension entitlements to an approved public sector organisation (if taking up employment with another public sector organisation)
  • qualify for a preserved pension and lump sum, if you have at least 2 years of pensionable service (preserved pension means you get your pension benefits when you reach your minimum retirement age)

Ill health retirement

Early retirement due to ill health is based on medical grounds, not age.

If you have completed at least 2 years of service and cannot work due to a permanent illness, you may be eligible for ill health retirement.

Retirement on ill health grounds has to be authorised by Occupational Health.