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Payslips for retirees

Retirees after January 2010

To view your online payslips, log in to HR & Payroll Self Service.

HR & Payroll Self Service is now available in HSE East, South West, South East, Midlands, Midwest and North West areas.

Setting up a HR & Payroll Self Service account.

Retirees before January 2010

To get your payslips, contact the payroll area that manages your payments.


PAYE (tax) and the Universal Social Charge (USC) will be deducted from your pension.

You should notify Revenue of your retirement in order to receive revised tax credits.

Tax credits for older persons -

Update personal details

You can use HR and Payroll Self Service to update personal information such as your bank account, address, email address, and marital status. You must have an active account to do this.

If you do not have an active account, fill out the Change in Personal Details Form HR104.

Where you send the form depends on when you retired:

Pension increases

When a pay increase is applied to HSE salaries, it is usually passed on to pensioners. The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform decides whether to increase public service pensions.

Pension payment queries

If you retired before 1 January 2010 contact your local pensions office

If you retired on or after 1 January 2010 contact the National Pensions Management Unit in Manorhamilton

Contributory State Pension (CSP)

Eligibility and application for Contributory State Pension (CSP) -

Pension declaration form

If you're receiving a HSE pension, you need to fill out a pension declaration form every year. This is to make sure you still qualify for the pension. This helps compliance with pension scheme rules and prevents fraud. The pension declaration form will be posted to you each year.

This process also prompts you to update other pension-related information, such as your address, bank account changes and marital status.