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Getting an estimate

Employees recruited before 1 January 2013 (HSE Employee Superannuation Scheme)

Calculate an estimate of your pension using the pension estimator -

The calculator shows an estimate of your pension scheme benefits at a future retirement date. It is an estimate and not a guarantee of future benefits.

Grade statements

Benefits payable to HSE Employee Superannuation Scheme members (including employees who transferred to the HSE on 1 January 2005) are shown in the HSE Employee Superannuation Scheme Grade Statements (PDF, 885 KB, 11 pages).

Request an estimate

You can also request an estimate of your retirement pension benefits.

Fill in the Pension Benefit Estimate Application Form (Word, 40 KB, 3 pages).

Send it to your pension area office.

Note: Pension estimates are dealt with in order of priority due to the significant backlog of these requests in all pension area offices.


HSE Superannuation Scheme Information Booklet (PDF, 1.2 MB, 13 pages)

Employees recruited after 1 January 2013 (Single Public Service Pension Scheme)

A pension benefits statement is sent to you by the end of June each year.

You can also use the single scheme estimator tool -

To learn more about your benefit statement watch Single Public Service Pension Scheme (video).


Single Scheme frequently asked questions (PDF, 448 KB, 9 pages)

Single Scheme booklet (PDF, 3 MB, 38 pages)

Scheme information and resources -