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Diversity, Equality and Inclusion


HSE Pride celebrations

Reach Out Network, the HSE's national network for LGBTQIA+ employees and allies, has kicked off its plans for the 2024 Pride festivities. Members of the Reach Out Network, HSE staff, and allies will participate in Pride parades across the country this summer.

What Pride means to our colleagues in the HSE (PDF, 1.8 MB, 16 pages)

Leading multicultural teams training

A new virtual training programme on leading multicultural teams is available on HSeLanD.

The aim of the programme is to enable participants to build the necessary skills and knowledge to manage multicultural teams effectively. The programme will provide participants with an understanding of some of the issues than can arise within multicultural teams and how to effectively manage those issues.

The programme is open to all staff in the HSE who have leadership responsibilities.

Further information on the programme and how to enrol

Next training date: 26 June 2024, 9am to 1pm.

HSE staff disability survey

The HSE staff disability survey is now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey. We will publish the findings soon.

If you are interested in joining Le Chéile Network, the HSE’s network for staff with disabilities, contact

Listen to staff discuss the importance of understanding disability in the workplace (video)

Diversity Equality and Inclusion (DEI) team

We help in creating a culture where employees are valued and supported, and work in an environment free from discrimination.

We help the organisation to improve the recruitment, support and retention of employees across all diversity grounds, including disability. This is done through awareness-raising and developing the HSE as an employer of choice for diverse groups.

Support with diversity, equality and inclusion enquiries

We provide advice and support to managers and staff on diversity, equality and inclusion enquiries.

In 2022, we received over 200 enquiries from managers and staff on a range of topics including:

  • diversity, equality and inclusion initiatives and policies
  • HSE staff support networks for employees who are LGBTQIA+, from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds or who have a disability
  • equality legislation
  • reasonable accommodations from staff with disabilities
  • inclusive communications and terminology

Further information is available in the 2022 Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Enquiry Annual Report (PDF, 844 KB, 5 pages).

For queries about diversity, equality and inclusion; and advice and support email

All enquiries are treated confidentially and reporting is based on anonymised data only.


The HSE is an equal opportunities employer.

As an equal opportunities employer, we are committed to treating our employees equally in relation to:

  • age
  • civil status
  • disability
  • ethnicity and race
  • family status
  • gender
  • membership of the Traveller community
  • religion
  • sexual orientation

We treat our employees equally in:

  • recruitment
  • pay
  • conditions
  • training
  • work experience
  • career progression

Our Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy sets out a number of priorities to enhance the way the HSE recruits, plans and develops its workforce. This applies to potential and existing employees regardless of their diversity background. The DEI Strategy runs to the end of 2024 and supports the overall Health Services People Strategy.

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy (PDF, 517 KB, 9 pages)

Contact DEI team