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Governance, implementation toolkit and templates


Guidance documents to help you comply with legislation and information governance.

Hospital services

Operational governance guidance for telehealth implementation (hospital services) (PDF, 665KB, 6 pages)

Community services

Operational governance guidance for telehealth implementation (community services) (PDF, 626KB, 6 pages)

IT policies

HSE IT policy and standards

Video consultations and COVID-19

Clinical governance guidance on secure video and audio Consultations during the Emergency Measures to address COVID-19 (PDF, 597KB, 12 pages)

Implementing VEC

Video is successfully embedded into business as usual when introduced as a change management project.

Digital health teams

Digital health teams can help you implement VEC. They will go through the implementation process, what’s involved in getting licenses and the equipment you need.

Posters and patient/service users information

Information leaflet to support informed consent

Online appointments information leaflet (Word, 875KB)

Virtual visiting service brochure template

Online health appointments brochure template for virtual visiting service (Powerpoint)

Poster templates

Generic online health appointments HR1

Older persons online health appointments HR2

Peadiatrics online health appointments HR3

Maternity online health appointments HR4

Rehab Services online health appointments HR5

ICPOP Services online health appointments HR6

Information for patients and service users

Information for patients and service users about preparing for and attending an online appointment