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Mental health supports and services for Christmas and New Year

Monday 23rd December, 2024 ¦ HSE Mid West is highlighting a wide range of mental health supports and services available for those who need them over the Christmas break.

If you are in crisis or need someone to talk to, help is at hand with a range of services available, through phone lines, many of them free and open 24/7, to easily accessible online resources.

At a time of year when stress and loneliness can become overwhelming for some, it’s important that all of us remain vigilant for friends and neighbours in our communities who may be in crisis, and be aware of where help can be found.

These supports are listed on a single page on the HSE website, at this link: Mental-Health-Supports-and-Services-over-Christmas-2024_23.12.24.pdf (size 2.2 MB)

You can either access this directory on your phone or laptop, or print as a A4 poster and keep in a handy place in your home for easy access.

In addition to emergency services, the directory also lists out of hours contact numbers for local Mental Health Teams, as well as Shannondoc (0818-123500, 6pm-8am Mon-Fri; 24hrs weekends & public holidays).

Also included are contacts for helplines run by a diversity of agencies, including domestic abuse services, Pieta House, general and suicide bereavement support and listening services, as well as contacts for the Samaritans, ISPCC Childline, the National LGBT+ helpline, the free 24/7 text service on 50808, and the HSE Drugs & Alcohol Helpline.

Nuala Kelly, Head of Mental Health Services for HSE Mid-West, said: “If you’re experiencing a crisis or just need someone to talk to or listen at this time of year, the most important thing is to get the right help and support as quickly as you can. Everyone needs help at one time or another, and whether you’re in crisis or you know a friend or neighbour who is struggling, it’s important that you know that asking for help is the first step to recovery. We encourage everyone in the Mid West to be aware of the webpage listing our supports, so that they can get the right help as soon as they possibly can. Please don’t be alone – help is at hand.”

For more on these support services, visit or phone 1800-111-888. For updates on social media, follow the hashtag #MyHealthMidwest.