MAU pathway for 112/999 patients commences at Nenagh Hospital
(NENAGH 07.02.2023): The Medical Assessment (MAU) pathway for 112/999 patients has commenced at Nenagh Hospital this Tuesday, February 7th.
This pathway allows for medical patients meeting strict criteria to be transferred by ambulance to the MAU in Nenagh. It has been in operation at Ennis Hospital since January 9th.
The new pathway allows stable medical patients meeting agreed clinical criteria to be treated in a Model 2 hospital. A key element is a telephone referral from the treating paramedic to the receiving MAU doctor, which ensures that the right patient is brought to the MAU.
This pathway will result in patients receiving medical treatment in a hospital closer to their home, will reduce patient presentations to Emergency Departments and will release ambulances more quickly to respond to other emergency calls.
112/999 patients that do not meet these clinical criteria will continue to be transported to Emergency Departments for assessment and treatment. The Medical Assessment Unit in Nenagh Hospital treats patients referred by GPs, ShannonDoc and now NAS paramedics. It is essential that unwell medical patients do not attend the MAU without a referral.