The practical training programme supports Manual Handling and People Handling (theory module).
You must complete the theory module not more than 6 weeks before attending the practical training.
Contact the Health and Safety helpdesk for more information or advice
Who this training is for
- all employees involved in the manual handling of inanimate loads
- employees that have completed the manual handling theory module on HSELanD
Training format
Course content
You will be assessed on your ability to carry out manual handling skills.
These include:
- floor lift
- bench lift
- bench to height (shoulder)
- pushing and pulling
- team lift of 2 or more handlers
- one arm lift and 2 arms lift
The training takes approximately 3 hours. This will depend on the complexity of handling procedures being taught.
How to book
Booking classroom-based training
You will get a certificate on completion of the training.