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Booking classroom-based training

You must carry out a training needs assessment (TNA) before booking manual handling training. This will ensure you identify the specific manual handling (MH) and people moving and handling (PMH) training needs for your service. This information must be given to the training instructor.

Classroom-based training (theory and practical) is delivered by HSE instructors where available or Usafety.

See health and safety training (for more information on factors to consider when booking training)

Accessing training from HSE instructor


Step 1
Complete a locally coordinated training request form (Word, 65.9KB, 5 pages) which includes identifying any fitness to attend training issues.

Step 2
For new training venues, complete a venue checklist (Word, 68.3KB, 1 page).

Submit your locally coordinated training request form (LCTRF) to your local manual handling training coordinator or HSE instructor.

Step 4
Once the LCTRF has been received, you will be contacted to discuss your training needs. A date for training will then be scheduled.

Accessing training from Usafety


Step 1:
Complete a locally coordinated training request form (Word, 65.9KB, 5 pages) which includes identifying any fitness to attend training issues.

Step 2:
For new training venues, complete a venue checklist (Word, 68.3KB, 1 page).

Step 3:
Book your training with Usafety:

Phone: 091485580


Step 4:
Finalise your locally coordinated training request form (Word, 65.9KB, 5 pages).