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Integrated Community Technology and Transformation and ICT Programme

The Integrated Community Technology and Transformation and ICT Programme delivers and oversees agreed priorities and investment for community ICT infrastructure and solutions. This will improve the experience of service users and the effectiveness of our frontline services. The Community Digital Oversight Group (CDOG) supports the strategic and operational delivery of this programme.

To ensure an integrated approach across the organisation to Technology and Transformation and ICT implementation, CDOG works closely with colleagues from Acute Services and Technology and Transformation.

CDOG representation includes:

  • Operations
  • Strategy and Planning/Innovation and Change
  • Clinical
  • Technology and Transformation
  • Acute Services
  • Department of Health

Programme goals

  • Outline the vision for community ICT over a defined period, guiding a whole-system approach to community clinical and operational ICT developments. This is done by producing evidence-based requirements and priorities for relevant decision makers.
  • Ensure decision making is coordinated and managed when delivering ICT solutions for community services.
  • Oversee the development of Technology and Transformation solutions to support health care provision across community operations. This includes a community case management system, digital therapeutics and specialist ICT solutions.
  • Ensure integration with other health care providers systems, for example, general practitioners and acute hospitals systems.

Integrated Community Case Management System (ICCMS)

CDOG has identified ICCMS procurement and implementation as an important and urgent requirement in community services.

The core ICT system for community services, ICCMS maintains a single record for service users, connects services and streamlines the experiences of staff and service users.

ICCMS, which bridges the gap between community care, hospitals, and GPs, is our first step towards a more efficient, informed, and person-centered healthcare system.

ICCMS enhancing healthcare delivery

For staff

  • Single, real-time access to patient records, streamlining clinical and operational decision-making.
  • Flexibility to update patient records from any location, enhancing mobility and responsiveness.
  • Reduction in repetitive data entry, improving patient safety and allowing more time for direct patient care.
  • A connected and integrated environment for better teamwork and coordination.

For patients

  • No more repeating stories to different healthcare professionals.
  • Increased confidence in healthcare delivery with improved access to information at the point of care.
  • Enhanced outcomes through integrated approaches in prevention, self-management, and health promotion.

For the HSE and wider population

  • Improved tracking, safety, and quality of patient care.
  • Increased team productivity and accountability.
  • Support for meeting regulatory requirements like GDPR and HIQA.
  • Better planning and service delivery through quality data.

A collaborative journey

The development of ICCMS is a testament to our collaborative ethos. We are developing a system that meets diverse healthcare needs with input from dedicated colleagues and strong endorsement from senior management and key stakeholders.

Key features of ICCMS

  • Efficient referral and appointment management - streamlining the service user journey.
  • Safety and quality improvement - identifying and managing risks, and addressing clinical variations.
  • Real-time dashboards - providing valuable insights for clinical and operational teams.
  • Enhanced communication tools - facilitating smoother interactions between healthcare providers and service users.

Implementation Roadmap

As we embark on this transformative journey, we are committed to a well-supported rollout. Comprehensive training and ongoing support will ensure a smooth transition for our staff. As we bring ICCMS to life, keep an eye out for frequent updates and opportunities to get involved.

New ICT requests

How to submit a new proposal

Requests for new ICT solutions in community services can be submitted to the Community Digital Oversight Group for consideration. Please note in advance of submitting requests for new ICT solutions, approval must be granted by the CHO Head of Service and Chief Officer.

Complete the proposal mandate template and submit to