Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, has approved the 2024 National Service Plan (NSP) for the HSE. The NSP outlines the health and social care services we will provide nationwide within the allocated budget of €23.5 billion. This is 4.6% above the 2023 budget.
This plan includes an additional:
- €162.8m investment in new service developments, including enhancing mental health and disability services
- €918.7m once-off funding
- €834.7m to fund increased costs of providing the existing level of service
- Implementation of the 6 new Health Regions
Our Priorities for 2024
The aims of the 2024 NSP are to:
- improve access to urgent and emergency care
- prioritise waiting lists
- continue to enhance mental health and disability services
- build on existing partnerships to develop and improve services
Speaking about our priorities for 2024, HSE Chairman Mr Ciarán Devane said:
"The National Service Plan 2024 continues to move the HSE towards the goal of universal healthcare in line with the ambitions of the Government and the HSE’s Corporate Plan. Together, the two years (2023 and 2024) will see staff increase in the region of 9,000 WTE (whole time equivalent) and funding by €3bn. During 2024 we will consolidate the developments of recent years, particularly around access, and ensure we deliver the increased capacity this investment is intended to provide."
CEO, Bernard Gloster, said:
"The HSE’s budget for 2024 and the increases in funding over recent years represent a significant investment by the State, which has resulted in many improved outcomes for the people we care for. This investment in our services is welcomed and has allowed the HSE to respond to sustained pressures, but not yet to overcome all of them.
In 2024, we will continue to deliver the reform of disability services. Recruitment and retention of staff is essential to the delivery of the plan. The HSE will work with relevant stakeholders to implement a range of initiatives, including targeted recruitment campaigns for therapy professions, including therapy assistants, to increase the number of health and social care professionals.
Of particular significance for 2024 is the establishment of the six new HSE Health Regions and the change in size, purpose and function of the HSE at national level. Designed to bring about integrated care, effective decision-making and local focus, these new structures will mark a significant departure from the organisation that was over the past 18 years.”
Phase 1 of the development of major trauma centres will be complete. A 5% increase is expected on activity targets across inpatient, day case, outpatient and GI scopes on 2023 outturn.
Community healthcare networks
Integrated Care Programme will deliver:
- over 141,000 patient contacts for Older Persons community specialist teams
- over 228,000 patient contacts for Chronic Disease community specialist teams
Other community outputs include:
- 22 million home support hours will be provided to 54,100 people
- 240,000 community radiology tests will be delivered
- 400,000 tests in total will be delivered across echocardiography, spirometry and natriuretic peptide blood tests.
Mental health services
We will prioritise child and adolescent early intervention. We will enhance early interventions for adult mental health services and improve access to person-centred mental health services.
Targets for the number of children and adolescents to be seen in 2024 represent a 25% increase on 2023.
Disability services
€2.8bn has been provided by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) for specialist disability services.
An additional 683 new WTE will be recruited for disability services. In 2024, there will be a targeted strategic focus on recruitment and retention of the workforce for disability services.