Timelines for submitting forms that impact pay to HR
HR forms impacting pay (PDF, 235 KB, 1 page) describes the forms to use and time deadlines to avoid salary overpayment.
Leaving the HSE or moving to another payroll area
Injury, critical illness and rehabilitation
Terms and conditions of employment
Payroll notification form for DSP illness and occupational injury benefits
- Adoptive leave - HR108a
- Anticipation of annual leave - HR108b
- Breastfeeding breaks - HR117
- Bereavement leave - HR108d
- Carers leave - HR108c
- Carry over of annual leave - HR108r
- Covid-19 self-declaration form for special leave with pay
- Examination leave - HR108e
- Force majeure leave - HR108f
- Health and safety leave - HR108g
- Interview leave - HR108s
- Jury service - HR108h
- Maternity leave - HR108i
- Nominal pay application - HR110
- Parental leave - HR108j
- Paternity leave - HR108k
- Paternity leave guidance - HR108k1
- Parents leave - HR108t
- Reserve Defence Forces - HR108l
- Serious physical assault scheme - HR108m
- Special leave on marriage - HR108n
- Special unpaid leave - HR108o
- Study leave - HR108p
- Unpaid leave for medical care purposes HR108u
- Trade union leave - HR108q
- Different leave types and how to apply
Travel and subsistence
- Travel and subsistence claim
- Foreign travel application - BT1
- Foreign and domestic business travel claim
- Employee declaration form for approval of travel and expenses
Change of personal details
Flexible working
- Flexible working - HR111
- Shorter working year scheme - HR115
- Blended working application and declaration
Career break
Retirement and pension
- Retirement - HR107(a) and guidance for completing HR107(a)
- Pension dependants - HR107b
- Pension rate of pay - HR114
Leaving the HSE or moving to another payroll area
Transfer and change of terms
Injury, critical illness and rehabilitation
- Injury grant application - HR112
- Injury grant calculation - HR112a
- Critical illness - HR113
- Temporary rehabilitation remuneration - HR114b
- Temporary rehabilitation remuneration (TRR) top-up payment - HR118
- Approval to hire
- Employee set up - HR101
- Employee set-up C19 - HR101c19
- Temporary appointments - HR103
- HSE Professional Placement Scheme
- Pre-placement health assessment
Rapid response
- SAPHR organisational management access
- OM1A create a position form and create a position guideline
- OM1B maintain a position form and maintain a position guideline
- OM2A create an organisational unit form and create an organisational unit guideline
- OM2B maintain an organisational unit form and maintain an organisational unit guideline
- OM3 location and qualification nursing allowance approval form
- External person hire
Terms and conditions of employment
Payroll notification for DSP illness and occupational injury benefits
National HR Employee Helpdesk
Phone: 1800 444 925
Email: ask.hr@hse.ie
The helpdesk is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 12 noon