Quality nursing and midwifery care
The ONMSD promotes the provision of safe, quality nursing and midwifery care.
Quality nursing and midwifery initiatives
24 June 2019
Information to support nurses and midwives with quality, planning and control.
Quality planning and control for nurses and midwives
24 June 2019
Read about the ways nurses and midwives can get a level of assurance in the quality of their care.
Quality improvement for nurses and midwives
24 June 2019
Quality improvement (QI) is about meeting and exceeding people’s needs and expectations and then continuing to improve.
Safe nursing and midwifery staffing
24 June 2019
Research clearly shows the association between nurse staffing levels and patient, staff and organisational outcomes.
Quality care metrics in nursing and midwifery
24 June 2019
Quality Care Metrics (QCM), enable quality improvement and accountability of care.
Creating a culture of person-centredness for nurses and midwives
24 June 2019
By using creative and cognitive approaches to learning and development, individuals and teams can explore their workplace culture and person-centredness.
Clinical handover education programme and videos
24 June 2019
Clear procedures, supportive work environments and educating staff on the potential work of handover on patient safety all help to support effective clinical handover.
HSE National Wound Guidelines 2018
28 September 2020
The guideline will support safe, quality care for patients and is informed by international guidelines and aims to support pathways of care for patients with a wound.
Shaping the Future of Intellectual Disability Nursing in Ireland
29 December 2020
A report looking at the future role of the RNID was completed for the Office of the Nursing and Midwifery Services Directorate (ONMSD) The report is called “Shaping the Future of Intellectual Disability Nursing in Ireland: Supporting people with an intellectual disability to live ordinary lives in ordinary places”2018. This report will guide Intellectual Disability Nursing in Ireland into the future.