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Manual Handling instruction training

Who this training is for

Participants deemed suitable by the Health Service Executive, through a training needs assessment, to coordinate and deliver manual handling training programmes.

Contact the Health and Safety helpdesk for more information or advice


To equip participants with the knowledge, skill and competence to effectively deliver manual handling training programmes within the Health Service Executive.

Minimum standard content

Trainers must ensure that all participants can demonstrate the knowledge, skill and competence to effectively deliver manual handling training programmes in the Health Service Executive.

The content of the training programme must ensure the training programme objective is met and participants are able to:

Legislative requirements and health benefit

  • Explain the main components of relevant health and safety legislation and guidance documents to include the current manual handling of loads regulations, principles of prevention as outlined in the current Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act and relevant guidance from government and professional bodies.
  • Evaluate the health and organisational benefits of an integrated approach to the management of manual handling to include development of a manual handling policy, staff consultation, risk assessment, implementation of appropriate controls and relevant training.

Anatomy and back care

  • Define the main components of the spinal column to include discs, ligaments, bones, joints, nerves and muscles.
  • Explain the main risk factors for back injuries related to manual handling to include how these injuries commonly occur.
  • Describe current concepts of back care to include good back posture at home and work, awareness of the importance of being fit and flexible, working within their capabilities and taking personal responsibility for good back care.

Ergonomic principles and risk assessment

  • Describe the concepts of ergonomics to include a description of key ergonomic principles for workplace design and unfavourable ergonomic condition as detailed in the schedule to the current manual handling of loads regulation.
  • Explain the manual handling risk assessment process through the use of manual handling case studies or scenarios.
  • Describe a range of controls to avoid and reduce the risk of injuries to include a critical analysis of a range of manual handling equipment.

Manual handling principles and techniques

  • Apply the main principles of manual handling to a range of manual handling tasks with particular emphasis on the need to carry out a personal or dynamic risk assessment to determine if the load can be handled safely.
  • Carry out a range of appropriate manual handling techniques to include lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling, supporting or putting down of a load by one or more persons.
  • Analyse the participant’s performance of manual handling techniques.

Planning of manual handling training programmes

  • Develop manual handling training programmes to include lesson plans with clear objectives, appropriate material and aids to support learning and strategies to motivate changes in manual handling practice.
  • Identify the necessary organisational resources needed to plan and support the delivery of effective manual handling training programmes.

It is envisaged that on the successful completion of the training programme each participant will adopt the vendor’s manual handling training programme and refresher programme (which are based on the HSE's programmes for HSE staff). Therefore each participant must have the appropriate knowledge, skills and competence to deliver these training programmes and meet the needs of the specific service and the manual handling tasks being undertaken in the area in which they are delivering training.

Delivery of manual handling training

  • Deliver effective manual handling training programmes, using a range of tools and techniques including managing group dynamics.
  • Demonstrate understanding of adult learning principles and the need for effective communication skills.
  • Give effective instruction in practical manual handling techniques.


Approximately 5 days

How to book

Your line manager can book your course through the Health and Safety helpdesk

Specific examination (if relevant)

Participants will be assessed on their ability to carry out a range of Manual Handling Skills and to effectively present information to a group of learners. Candidates will be assessed through observation and carrying out a broad range of skills.

The Candidate will be required to demonstrate and instruct one Manual Handling Technique to a group of Learners and provide constructive feedback and silent demonstrate 3 other techniques.

  • Carry out a range of Manual Handling Techniques and apply these to a range of Manual Handling Tasks (30 marks)
  • Analyse a learner’s performance of Manual Handling Techniques and providing constructive feedback (10 marks)
  • Give effective instruction in practical Manual Handling (10 marks)
  • Deliver effective presentation (10 marks)

Skill assessments

  1. Floor Lift
  2. Bench Lift
  3. Bench to Height (Shoulder)
  4. Pushing and Pulling
  5. Team Lift (Two or More Handlers)
  6. One arm lift/ Two arm lift

All skills demonstrations will be recorded

Written assignment

  • Identify Two Manual Handling Hazards from your workplace, and perform a Risk Assessment using TILEO. The template can be provided
  • Decide who might be harmed and how.
  • Describe what controls are required to adequately control these risks and assess the risk rating then. Introduce additional recommendations to reduce the risk further. Risk Rate again. Chose the methodology you currently use including the TILEO assessment sheet given by the instructor.
  • Record your findings and recommend when these findings should be actioned by who is responsible, (date) and reviewed (date) to ascertain effectiveness of actions taken in achieving the elimination or maximum control of the manual handling hazards identified.

Learners need to:

  • Describe and understand ergonomic principles and concepts (4 marks)
  • Identify and analyse workplace Manual Handling case studies (6 marks)
  • Critically analyse recommendations and conclusions on controls to avoid and reduce injuries in Manual Handling (6 marks)
  • Involve workplace personnel, planning of assignment work and report (e.g. contributions of others to assignments, presentation of findings to management) (4 marks)

Guidelines to consider:

  • Introduce the workplace and what you are doing.
  • State the law relating to manual handling. Define what manual handling is and why you have chosen the two hazards.
  • Use the TILEO assessment sheet for each hazard and complete a risk assessment using your methodology.
  • Description of the Manual Handling Scenario (Use photographs)
  • Evaluation of the task/activity
  • Improvements/ Recommendations you could make to task/activity for future use.
  • Details of resources/materials used.
  • Ensure you complete a summary at the end to state the reason for completing the risk assessment, what you did and where you are now with the additional controls.
  • Communicate and involve other staff from start to finish. e.g. did you have a safety meeting to discuss and how did you communicate the changes to all staff
  • Reflection of own role in the activity, what conclusions you reached, what you learned by undertaking the risk assessment, what would you do differently in the future.

Short questions theory

20 Short answer question, 16 correct answers to pass the assessment

Questions are compiled from the Units of the course.


QQI Special Purpose Certificate in Manual Handling Instructor Level 6

Certificate will be provided to confirm that Participants have successfully demonstrated the theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and competence to effectively deliver manual handling training programmes within the Health Service Executive.

Specific provisions

Relevant to all learners on the course, Instructor will tailor skills to each learners needs and will ensure each learner is capable of demonstrating both skill and theory within their working environment.

Reference to legislation and guidelines

The training programme must be compliant with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and associated General Application Regulations 2007 including the Manual Handling of Loads Regulations 2007 and subsequent amending legislation.
