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Professional Diploma in Management in Healthcare

The application process is now closed for the Professional Diploma in Management in Healthcare

A Guide to Submitting Your Application may be helpful to read for those who intend submitting an application in the future. It explains what the application process involves.

The Professional Diploma in Management in Healthcare is currently operating as a virtual programme.


The Professional Diploma in Management in Healthcare (NFQ Level 9), offers a comprehensive and critical overview of best practice management in a range of areas, with a particular focus on the healthcare environment.

The programme is open to clinical and non-clinical colleagues.

It is aimed at those who:

  • are newly appointed to a management role or a position of responsibility
  • aspire towards a management or supervisory role in the next two years
  • are more senior and wish to undertake this programme
  • would like development support to improve management practices
  • are willing to commit to at least 10 hours learning a week over the course of a twelve month period
  • are willing to commit to full attendance at all aspects of the programme

The sixth cohort of this programme commenced in September 2023.

Should it be decided that any elements will take place face to face, we will advise you accordingly.


To be eligible for the programme you must hold:

  • a relevant academic qualification at primary degree level, or
  • an equivalent professional qualification, or
  • relevant work-based learning and experience

You must also:

  • be an employee of the HSE, TUSLA, a Section 39 hospice, or a body which provides service on behalf of the HSE under Section 38 of the Health Act 2004
  • satisfactorily complete the application process

Selection criteria will include:

  • your personal statement
  • your professional experience
  • your line manager's supporting statement
  • previous leadership/management development programmes you’ve undertaken
  • creation of the best possible mix of participants from eligible applicants

To maximise the learning within each cohort, the Health Service Leadership Academy seeks to create the best possible mix of participants from eligible applicants.

This will include having a mix of:

  • clinical and non-clinical participants
  • disciplines and professions
  • locations and types of health service organisations

Eligible applicants who do not get offered a place on the next cohort due to oversubscription, will be added to a waiting list for subsequent cohorts.

You may be contacted by the programme director or a member of the Health Service Leadership Academy Team if clarification is required on any aspect of your application.

Programme overview

Time commitment

At least 10 hours per week, and 100% attendance at all elements

Programme title: Professional Diploma in Management in Healthcare
Qualification: Professional Diploma in Management in Healthcare (awarded by University College Cork)
Length of programme: circa 12 months, part-time
Time commitment: at least 10 hours per week
Faculty: delivered by the IMI
Modes of learning: 70% self-directed learning (academic content and assignments)
30% virtual residential learning (academic content and peer interaction)
Attendance requirements: 6 virtual residential sessions totalling a minimum of 18 days over the programme
Attendance: 100% attendance

You will apply management concepts to your service area, helping to build your practical managerial skills. Emphasis is placed on combining classroom teaching with class discussion, case study analysis, individual and group activities.

You will be supported and challenged to apply the theories, concepts and models from the programme into your work place.

Key features:

  • provides academic thinking on the key areas of management in a healthcare setting, preparing you for management demands as you progress in the healthcare system
  • supports and challenges you in applying learning in a real world context, enabling you to understand management challenges
  • access to expertise in healthcare and other industries, helping you to understand best practice from inside and outside the Irish health service
  • provides an opportunity to develop a service improvement plan to enhance patient care

Programme structure, modules and assignment information can be found in the applicant guide

Learning methods

The programme is delivered:

  • 70% self-directed learning (academic content and assignments)
  • 30% virtual residential learning (academic content and peer interaction)

Self-directed learning

You are expected to engage in a significant amount of self-directed learning, including reading assigned material and preparation of assignments. The required reading is essential for a complete grasp of the topics. Additional reading is provided so that you can go deeper into any topic if you wish.

You can find all the resources needed for your studies in the Health Service Leadership Academy virtual campus. It can be accessed at any time and on any device, at a time and place which suits you.

It is unlikely that you will need to read academic material beyond the required and additional reading lists, but you may need to access and assimilate health care specific material from other resources.

Virtual residential workshops

There are six virtual residential workshops during the course of the programme. We recognise that participants will have a level of experience of working within the healthcare system and the sessions are interactive so we can leverage the experience of participants.

Online learning through the virtual campus

The Health Service Leadership Academy Virtual Campus has been designed to feel like an inviting space; delivering what you need in an interactive learning environment. It can be accessed at any time and on any device, at a time and place which suits you

The virtual campus is where you can find all the resources you will need for your studies. It provides a range of different learning formats such as e-learning nuggets, simulation events, webinars, videos, psychometric assessments, surveys, electronic journals, books, tutorial and discussion boards, learning journals and more.

Key information

Commitment to the programme

You must make a commitment of at least 10 hours per week to programme work. It is up to you to fit this time in. It is likely that most of this will be undertaken in your own time. There is a strong focus on practical application of new learning and you are encouraged to practice your management development in your workplace. We would ask line mangers to support you in doing this so that you can become a more effective manager.

Attendance is mandatory at six residential sessions, totalling a minimum of 18 days. Line managers are asked to treat time spent at residential workshops as time spent at work.

Attendance requirement continues to apply whether these elements are delivered virtually or face-to-face.

Programme costs

While there are no programme fees currently charged for participating on this programme, if the programme is delivered in person in the future, rather than virtually, participants may incur travel and subsistence costs associated with attending residential and face to face components of the programme. Costs for travel and subsistence at residential and face-to-face programmes must be paid by you and recovered through your local travel and subsistence procedures. The Health Service Leadership Academy is not in a position to refund other areas of the HSE, or external agencies for costs incurred in this regard.


All applications for Health Service Leadership Academy programmes must be submitted using the UCC application portal.

To apply for this programme:

  • complete the application form
  • ensure that your senior line manager completes the supporting statement
  • have proof of identity that you can upload (for example, driving licence, passport).

Application form and supporting documents

When you have the above documentation ready go to UCC application portal.

Follow the Guide to Submitting Your Application to correctly complete and submit your application.

You must upload the 3 documents listed above to successfully submit your application. Your application is incomplete until the 3 documents are uploaded. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

You can only apply for one of the Health Service Leadership Academy programmes. The Health Service Leadership Academy will not accept more than one application per person.

You will receive an acknowledgement that your application will be processed once you have completed the information on the UCC application portal and uploaded the Application Form, Senior Line Manager Statement and Proof of Identity.

You will receive notification of the outcome of the application process by email in early July 2024.

Application form and supporting documents

Guide to Submitting Your Application

Application form for Professional Diploma in Management in Healthcare

Applicant guide for Professional Diploma in Management in Healthcare

Senior line manager supporting statement for Professional Diploma in Management in Healthcare

Dates for cohort commencing in September 2024 are available in the programme schedule for Professional Diploma in Management in Healthcare



Phone: 087 272 8198 or 087 281 9507

Participant login

Professional Diploma in Management in Healthcare login to virtual campus