Where can I find my user ID?
For staff in North East and West it is your 8 digit personnel number.
For staff in South it is your 7 digit personnel number.
This can be found on your paper payslip and is also included in your welcome email when you register for online payslips.
If you do not have a paper payslip, contact your local payroll office and they will give you your personnel number.
What happens if I forget my password?
Click on the forgotten password link on the front screen of the payslips portal. This link allows you to request a password reset if you cannot remember your existing password.
You will be prompted for your user ID and asked one of your previously-set security validation questions.
Will I see the same information as on my paper payslip?
Yes. Your salary, allowances, deductions and tax information will be available, the same as on your paper payslip.
How can I change my email address?
For staff in the South, download form HR104, complete the top section, and provide your email address in section 2.
Return your form to your payroll department.
For staff in the West, download form HR104, complete the top section, and provide your email address in section 2.
Return your form to your local HR department.
For staff in the North East, send an email to northeast.payroll@hse.ie. They will guide you on the process to change your email address.
Can I access my payslip at home?
Yes, you can view your payslips from any PC, tablet or smartphone.
Will I be able to see all my payslips?
Yes, you’ll be able to choose the payslip you’d like to look at from a list ordered by date.
Payslips will be stored within your account from the date of your first online payslip to the date you leave the HSE.
Will I be able to print my payslip?
Yes, once you are registered online you will be able to print your payslip.
Payslips can be printed by selecting print at the bottom right hand corner of the payslip.
I am having problems logging into the system, what can I do?
See difficulty logging into online payslips for guidance on how to resolve issues with logging in.
Why has the HSE introduced online payslips?
Online payslips is part of an initiative to modernise and improve payroll services.
In addition to the convenience of viewing your payslip online, the initiative helps achieve payroll savings and efficiencies.
Users benefitting from this service are also reducing the HSE's paper requirements and helping the environment.
Staff and retirees can access their payslips and payslip history online at their convenience.
I do not have an email account – how can I register?
You will need a work or personal email address to register for online payslips.
You can set up a personal email address using free email services online. Examples include Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo.
Do Revenue Commissioners and the Department of Social Protection accept online payslips replacing the paper payslips?
The Revenue Commissioners have accepted online payslips for a number of years and also accept online P60s.
Will I be able to access a copy of my P60 online?
HSE staff and retirees can access P60s online for tax years 2013 to 2018.
Since 1 January 2019, P60s are no longer issued. This means employees no longer receive a P60 at the end of the year from their employer. Instead, a P60 replacement called the Employment Details Summary (EDS) is available from Revenue via myAccount on WWW.ROS.IE
Where else in the public and semi-state sectors are online payslips available?
Current users of online payslips include the Department of Finance, Department of Social Protection and the Revenue Commissioners. Online payslips can be found in many other government departments, the Universities, Institutes of Technology and local authorities.
In the semi-state sector online payslip users include Bus Eireann, Enterprise Ireland and IDA. Online payslips and end of year documents are also common place in the multinational sector.
Are my payslips securely stored online?
Your payslips are stored securely online in our payroll providers’ approved data centres.
The data centres conform to global standards in network and physical security. You should ensure your password is strong, conforms to the HSE password standards policy and is not written down anywhere accessible to others.
If I provide my personal email address how will it be used by the online payslips service?
Your personal email address will only be used to communicate with you for registration and account maintenance purposes.
Who can I contact if I am unable to access registration or online payslips?
A dedicated support service has been set up to help with technical issues.
Email HSEPay@Zellis.com, providing details of the issue, your full name and user ID.
Telephone: 01 5710 780. Priority is given to the email support service.