You may be repaid travel and subsistence costs incurred on necessary absence from your base on official business. The amount paid is based on rates approved by the Department of Health.
Before travel costs are paid you must have on file:
- approval for you to travel
- a declaration to use your own car
- your insurance policy which indemnifies the HSE
- your vehicle registration certificate
This information must be renewed annually.
The travel:
- must be necessary
- must be approved by your line manager beforehand
- uses the shortest practicable route and the cheapest mode
- use public transport where possible
You must get approval from your line manager to use your own car if public transport is available and you choose not to use it.
Travel expenses:
- will not be paid for any part of a journey which covers your usual route to work (unless in emergency situations)
- must be calculated based on the shorter of the distance from home or base to/from the destination if the trip commences or ends directly at home
- are calculated based on the distance travelled and the engine size of your car
Emergency situations
Travel expenses can be paid for your normal work commute if it’s outside of your normal working hours to deal with an emergency situation. This must be approved by your line manager before travel. A maximum of sixty emergency situation travel claims can be claimed in a calendar year.
For more information and rules relating to travel and subsistence expenses see:
HR Circular 003 2025 Revision of Domestic Subsistence Rates
HR Circular 026 2022 motor travel rates
Electric and hybrid cars
Normal NFR B4 rules apply when claiming mileage for electric and hybrid cars.
Rates that apply:
- electric cars – an electric vehicle (EV) rate applies. The EV rate is the rate that applies to cars in the medium size car category of 1201cc to 1500cc
- hybrid cars – apply the travel rates applicable to the cc of the car
Expenses for subsistence costs can be paid to you if you are working away from your base. The payment is based on the rates approved by the Department of Health.
Subsistence can only be paid for trips that:
- are necessary trips away from your base
- are at least 8 kilometres away from your home or base
- the length of time you will be away is at least 5 hours
Day rates
There are 2 types of day rate:
- 5 to 10 hours - €19.25
- 10 hours plus - €46.17
Overnight rates
Overnight allowances have 3 standard rates:
- Normal - €205.53 (for absences up to 14 nights)
- Reduced - €184.98 (covers the next 14 nights)
- Detention - €102.76 (covers each of the next 28 nights)
The subsistence allowance payable is not meant to meet the whole cost of subsistence or be a source of profit.
Overnight trips
A night allowance may be paid if you must spend a night away at a location at least 100 kilometres away from your home and normal place of work.
A night allowance may also be paid if your line manager is satisfied that there is an operational reason for you to stay overnight at a place that is less than 100 kilometres, but at least 50 kilometres, away from your home and normal place of work.
The night allowance covers a period up to 24 hours from the time of departure and any further periods not exceeding 5 hours.
As it can be difficult to find accommodation in Dublin within the standard overnight rate, you may claim a vouched accommodation (VA) rate for necessary overnight trips in Dublin.
The rate for vouched accommodation is up to a limit of the standard overnight rate of €205.53 plus €46.17.
Accommodation costs while claiming the VA rate must always be vouched.
In cases where the accommodation exceeds the VA rate, you must pay the extra expense.
If accommodation can be found in Dublin within the standard overnight rate, that rate applies.
HR Circular 003 2025 Revision of Domestic Subsistence Rates
Claiming travel and subsistence
Claims for travel and subsistence must be:
- submitted using the system which operates in your area
- submitted within 1 month of the trip or at the latest within 3 months of the trip
- approved by your line manager
Your claim will be returned to you if it is not completed in full.
Travel and subsistence claim form (Excel, 30KB, 1 page)
Declaration for use of own vehicle (PDF, 130KB, 1 page)
Declaration for use of own vehicle (Word, 24 KB, 1 page)
Managers approving travel and subsistence claims
As a line manager, you should have local procedures outlining staff and managers’ responsibilities when claiming and processing travel and subsistence expenses.
Before approving an expenses claim you must ensure:
- employee has authorisation to travel
- claim is completed in full
- the expenses claimed for travel and subsistence are correct
- claim has been submitted on time, and if not, a reason for the delay is given with the claim (this can be done by completing the Late Submission of Expense Claim Form)
You should return claims that are incorrect or incomplete.
As a line manager you are responsible for checking:
- journeys were necessary
- amounts claimed are correct (including checking that the rate claimed is correct for the car engine capacity stated on the vehicle registration certificate)
- supporting documentation is with the claim
Claims for costs such as tolls, parking and public transport tickets must have a receipt attached.
HSE business travel
HSE domestic and foreign travel is covered by NFR B4 travel and subsistence and HSE Business Travel Policy (PDF, 300 KB, 4 pages).
This applies to European and international travel outside Republic of Ireland.
The CEO approves travel abroad for national directors and regional executive officers. National directors and regional executive officers approve travel abroad for all other staff. Assistant national director, or equivalent salary or grade in accordance with the National Financial Regulations (NFR), approve domestic air travel for all staff.
How to apply
Foreign travel requests are made using the FT1 Form (Excel, 84 KB, 1 page).
Email a signed copy of the FT1 Form with the approved signature to:
- Club Travel email:
- HSE Travel email:
Important: put the name of the person travelling in the subject line of email.
You should submit the completed form at least 2 weeks before your departure date. This allows the travel company time to process your application.
You must be able to show that:
- there is a benefit to the HSE
- you need to travel
The contracted travel company will confirm flight availability and prices.
When you confirm acceptance in writing, you will receive an e-ticket.
For more than 1 person travelling, include an 'additional traveller addendum'. This is part of the FT1 Form.
You must pay directly for rail travel and car hire. You can reclaim this when you return.
The HSE travel insurance policy covers all employees and official guests of the HSE.
Accommodation costs when abroad
Prior approval for reimbursement of foreign hotel or accommodation costs is needed from the chief executive officer, national director, or regional executive officer, depending on the level of the person travelling using the FT1 Form.
You should:
- arrange payment for your hotel accommodation, which should then be claimed back through subsistence expenses
- check the subsistence rate which applies to your destination before booking accommodation. The rate varies depending on the country and city to which you travel. The overnight subsistence rate is intended to cover the cost of accommodation and 3 meals. The rates can be found in DPER Circular 07/2017.
- get information about travel and subsistence abroad in NFR B4 travel and subsistence (PDF, 1.5 MB, 39 pages)
HSE business travel documents
Declaration for use of own vehicle (PDF, 130 KB, 1 page)
Subsistence allowance abroad (Circular 009/2017) (PDF, 190KB, 2 pages)
HSE employee claim form (Excel, 28 KB, 1 page)
NFR B4 travel and subsistence (PDF, 1.4 MB, 39 pages)
Employee expense listing descriptions (PDF, 72 KB, 4 pages)