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Design Thinking Workshops

The Spark Design workshops aim to inspire frontline healthcare staff to learn more about design thinking.

Learn about developing a design thinking mindset to solve problems in your workplace; and how to give the perfect pitch.

The online workshops are open to all staff. You should book early to reserve your space.

Workshop Design Thinking Introduction part 1 (3 hours and 30 minutes)

Workshop Design Thinking Introduction part 2 (3 hours) Note: You will get the link to book into part 2 when you book into part 1. Part 1 and part 2 can be done on the same day or different days.

Getting the most out of Spark Design

To get the most out of Spark Design, we strongly recommend you attend all workshops. The workshops are online via Zoom and facilitated by 2 award-winning designers - Trevor Vaugh and Martin Ryan.

Workshop dates 2024

  • 13 March
  • 24 April
  • 17 July
  • 4 September
  • 6 November


Related documents

Spark Design workshops leaflet (PDF, 274 KB, 2 pages)

Spark Design workshops poster (PDF, 268 KB, 1 page)