Performance Achievement (PA) helps you develop in your role and gives you the opportunity to meet with your manager to discuss your learning and development needs.
PA applies to all staff in the HSE and HSE-funded agencies.
Why we want Performance Achievement
Performance Achievement (PA) improves how we deliver health services.
Staff surveys show that staff want a greater level of engagement with their line manager.
Benefits of PA
Benefits include:
- clear role definitions, expectations and goals
- more confidence in performing your job with increased job satisfaction
- more engagement between you and your manager, resulting in increased support and development
- get feedback on your contribution and achievements
PA cycle
Planning and reviewing your progress and development takes place over a 12-month cycle. You will have at least one meeting with your manager in this cycle to agree goals, objectives, training needs and monitor progress.
PA encourages ongoing engagement between you and your manager. Regular informal meetings will provide you with the opportunity to get guidance and assistance in working towards objectives.
PA training material
Complete PA training on HSeLanD (search for Performance Achievement hub). Learn what is included in PA, how to set objectives and prepare for your PA meeting:
Part 1: Why Performance Achievement and what is Performance Achievement
Part 2: Setting Performance Achievement objectives
Part 3: Performance Achievement skills
Part 4: Preparing for a Performance Achievement meeting as a manager
Parts 3 and 4 are particularly relevant to managers who carry out PA meetings.
PA meeting videos
Short role play videos on PA meeting scenarios (available on HSeLanD) that include:
- Community care
- Clinical
- Administration staff
- Support staff
- Community healthcare
Employees preparing for the PA meeting
- Complete the training on HSeLanD (search for Performance Achievement hub)
- Fill in your PA meeting template form (PDF, 547 KB, 4 pages)
- Guidance on completing your PA form (PDF, 125 KB, 1 page)
- Send your completed template to your manager before your meeting
- Spend time thinking about your training needs for your particular role
- Give feedback
- Engage positively
- Keep all your documentation
- Maintain confidentiality
Managers preparing for the PA meeting
- Complete the training on HSeLanD (search for Performance Achievement hub)
- Before the meeting, review your team member's completed PA meeting template form (PDF, 547 KB, 4 pages)
- Maintain confidentiality
- Be an active listener and use coaching methodology
- Give constructive feedback
- Provide guidance
- Create space for learning opportunities
Reporting PA meetings to HR
National HR requires reporting on the initial PA meeting. Services do not need to provide data on any follow-up meetings.
Individual teams should not submit quarterly reporting templates to National HR. One consolidated reporting template should be submitted per quarter for each hospital group, CHO, and corporate division head of HR or national director.
Line managers
Line managers should record PA meetings on the appropriate form. You must notify your local HR manager (as directed locally) when the initial PA meeting has been completed with a staff member.
HR managers
Local HR managers should record initial PA meetings held with staff in your department. You should report the initial PA meetings to your head of HR or national director (via local governance channels).
Nurses and midwives
Mandatory PA for nurses and midwives is done through the Professional Development Planning (PDP) Framework for Nurses and Midwives. Directors of Nursing and Midwifery will collate quarterly PDP (digital and manual) and PA data and notify their head of HR or national director (via local governance channels).
Hospital groups, CHOs and corporate services
The head of HR or national director of each hospital group, CHO, and corporate or national service, must complete the quarterly reporting template from National HR. This should detail all initial PA meetings held by the end of each quarter for all staff within their remit.
Related documents
PA line manager meeting record template
PA meeting template form (PDF, 547 KB, 4 pages)
Guidance on completing your PA form (PDF, 125 KB, 1 page)
HSE Performance Achievement Policy and Guidance (PDF, 4,129 KB, 62 pages)
Guidance note on performance in the HSE (PDF, 440 KB, 1 page)
National HR Employee Helpdesk
Phone: 1800 444 925
The helpdesk is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 12 noon