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What to do with comments and compliments

All feedback helps maintain and improve the quality of HSE services. This includes comments and compliments.

You can help improve services and the care people get by sharing feedback in the correct way.

Comments and suggestions

A comment is when someone:

  • raises something that concerns them
  • shares their experience on the service or care they got
  • makes an observation
  • makes a suggestion
  • shares how things might be done differently

What to say when someone says they have had a bad experience

Log or record a comment so management know about:

  • issues
  • standards that need to be monitored
  • where there is room for improvement

How to log or record comments

Compliments and positive feedback

A compliment is when someone shares positive feedback with you. They might want to share their appreciation for their care or to praise a service or staff.

Log or record a compliment so that your line manager or the complaints manager can share it:

  • with the staff member or team it is about
  • with management and staff locally or nationally
  • as an example of good practice
  • to help keep high standards


  • the details
  • what you did with the compliment, for example if you shared it with someone else

How to log or record compliments

Taking notes

Take notes straight away or as soon as you can.

This is to help you log or record the details of a comment or compliment.

Information to note includes:

  • what happened and when
  • who was involved
  • the name of the service

Ask for the name and contact details of the person giving feedback. If they are doing it for someone else, ask for their name too.

How to log or record comments and compliments

Each part of the HSE has its own way to record and learn from comments and compliments. Ask your line manager, or the complaints manager where you work, how to log or record a comment or compliment.

You must take different steps if you are handling and recording a complaint.