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Disclosing registrable interests - ethics in public office

As an employee at Grade VIII or above, you must submit an annual statement of registrable interests, in compliance with the Ethics in Public Office Act.

You should submit a 'nil statement' if you have no registrable interests.

Registrable interests

Interests that are registrable include:

  • occupational income (other than your employment with the HSE)
  • shares
  • directorships
  • land (excluding private home)
  • travel, accommodation, meals (free of charge or at a price that was less than the commercial price)
  • paid positions held as a political or public affairs lobbyist, consultant or adviser
  • public service contracts
  • gifts
  • property

You should disclose interests that could materially influence you in performing your duties.

This applies to interests held by:

  • you
  • your spouse or civil partner
  • your child
  • child of your spouse

You do not need to specify the value of these interests that you declare.

Memo regarding statement of interests from Brian Murphy, Head of Corporate Affairs (PDF, 183 KB, 5 pages)

Guidelines on interests that must be disclosed from Standards in Public Office Commission -

Electronic filing

Complete your annual statement on DocuSign (encrypted software to securely sign your statement electronically).
