Office of the Nursing and Midwifery Services Director
The Office of the Nursing and Midwifery Services Director (ONMSD) works to strategically lead and support nurses and midwives to deliver safe, high-quality, person-centred care. Our aim is to help people who use the health service to improve their quality of life and wellbeing.
ONMSD Strategic Plan 2023-2025
ONMSD Strategic Plan 23- 25 (PDF, size 1.5 MB 12 pages)
Organisational structure of ONMSD
The ONMSD is led by a director and supported by a leadership team including:
4 area directors of nursing and midwifery planning and development
1 area director of nursing and midwifery National Clinical and Integrated Care Programmes / Clinical Design and Innovation
1 area director of the Deteriorating Patient Improvement Programme
8 directors of Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Units (NMPDUs)
12 HSE directors of Centres for Nursing and Midwifery Education (CNMEs)
National Clinical Leadership Centre
National leads for specific programmes and portfolios of nursing and midwifery
Our vision, mission and values
Achieving excellence in nursing and midwifery care.
Leading and enabling the nursing and midwifery professions to provide high-quality care by:
- Supporting the delivery of service priorities and reform
- Strengthening capacity and capability within the workforce
- Promoting person-centred practice
- Influencing policy
- We will support the provision of care that is of the highest quality
- We will promote evidence-based best practice
- We will incorporate the views and opinions of our patients and service users and consider them in how we plan and deliver our services
- We will show respect, kindness, consideration and empathy in our communication and interaction with people
- We will be courteous and open in our communication with people and recognise their fundamental worth
- We will provide services with commitment, dignity and demonstrate professionalism at all times
- We will have a person-centred approach to professional practice.
- We will have a commitment to lifelong learning
- We will have a work ethic that is underpinned by a passion and drive for professionalism to develop self and support teams with diligence and resilience
- We will provide services in which people have trust and confidence
- We will be open and transparent in how we provide services
- We will show honesty, integrity, consistency and accountability in decisions and actions
- We will foster learning, innovation and creativity
- We will support and encourage our workforce to achieve their full potential
- We will acknowledge when something is wrong, apologise for it, take corrective action and learn from it
What we do
- Has a key function in supporting the CCO by providing individual staff to lead on specific aspects of the National Clinical and Integrated Care Programmes
- Promotes quality improvement (QI) by:
- providing individual staff resources to the Quality Improvement Team leading on specific projects
- supporting the contribution to QI education, practice, project development, research and resources
- Delivers guidance and expertise at corporate, regional and local level
- It is a focal point for nursing and midwifery within the public health system
- provides expertise that is central to the analysis, application, implementation and evaluation of legislation and health policy relating to nursing and midwifery practice
- Leads on the development and implementation of measurement by nurses and midwives. This is vital for assurance and quality improvement in our profession
- Collects and analyses data that informs and supports national decision-making as it relates to nursing and midwifery
- Manage and co-ordinates the design, development and delivery of continuous professional development (CPD) for nurses and midwives. This incorporates education, clinical leadership development, research, innovation, specialist and advanced practice
- Supports strategy and planning through the commissioning process
The ONMSD has developed critical professional links with the:
- Department of Health
- Office of the Chief Nurse (CNO)
- Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI)
- HSE Directorate and Leadership Team
- Directors of Nursing and Midwifery
- Higher Education Institutes
- Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA)
- Staff organisations
- Office of Health and Social Professionals
- Other stakeholders