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Regional Centre of Nursing and Midwifery Education HSE Dublin and South East

The RCNME Dublin and South East provides Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and QQI Level 5-8 programmes of education for Nurses, Midwives and Health Care Assistants in counties Carlow, Kilkenny, Waterford, Wexford, South Tipperary, Wicklow and South East Dublin.

The RCNME Dublin and South East is located in Confederation House, Waterford Business Park, Cork Road, Waterford and has offices in both Kilkenny and Cashel. The CPD needs of all nursing disciplines (general, mental health, intellectual disability, care of the older person and community) and midwifery, are identified using education needs analysis.

A prospectus of education programmes is developed, coordinated and delivered by the RCNME team

RCNME Dublin and South East Prospectus 2025 (PDF, 3.3 MB, 91 pages)

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How to book a place on an Education Programme

All programmes coordinated by the RCNME Dublin and South East are available on the Classroom Management System hosted on HSELand. Learners must register/login to HSELand and apply to attend programmes through the RCNME Dublin and South East Course Catalogue. All learners are responsible for their own enrolment on courses.

  1. Log into HSELanD
  2. Once logged in, at the top of the page, select Courses
  3. Select ONMSD Course Catalogues
  4. Select RCNME Dublin and South East
  5. Search the course list and enrol on the course of your choice

If you have any problems enrolling, please contact us at

Contact Details

Céire Rochford


Karen O’Sullivan

Specialist Coordinator / Nurse Tutor (General)

Rebecca Fitzgerald

Specialist Coordinator/Nurse Tutor (Intellectual Disability/Mental Health)

Edel Ryan

Specialist Coordinator/Midwife Tutor

Sandra Kennedy

Assistant Staff Officer

Louise Beresford

Clerical Officer

Anne Wall

Clerical Officer