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Attend Anywhere

What is Attend Anywhere

It is a web-based platform that helps health care providers offer video call access to their patients as part of their 'business as usual', day-to-day operations.

Apart from internet access, all patients need is an up-to-date version of Google Chrome or Safari web browsers on a computer or mobile device. Patients will also need a web camera (built into laptops/smartphones) and a headset or speakers.

Login to Attend Anywhere

You, the healthcare provider will need:

  • An Attend Anywhere Licence (Account)
  • HSE device with access to HSE network from location intended to carry out video consultation (for example cabled site, MIFI, HSE Smartphone).
  • Chrome or Safari web browser.
  • Headset or speakers and web camera (usually built into laptops).

To apply for an Attend Anywhere licence, contact

Training demos

Live Attend Anywhere (AA) training takes place on the second Tuesday of each month at 1 pm.

Join a training session

Recording of a live AA training session is available below for your convenience should you need training immediately:

4 minute Attend Anywhere refresher training for Health Care provider

19 minute Attend Anywhere training for Health Care provider


Training is mandatory before using the system for consultations

Healthcare provider information

Find guidance on setting up video clinics

Patient information

If you want to provide guidance to your patient about online health appointments, please share the following link:

What the patient sees

A demonstration of entering a waiting room in Attend Anywhere from the patient’s perspective can be accessed through the following button. It can also be used to test your equipment.

Attend Anywhere patient view