ONMSD and the National Clinical Programme Surgery
The nurse lead contribution to programme implementation is through
- creating awareness of and promoting the principles underpinning the speciality of surgery within the nursing community at national, regional and local level
- providing leadership and direction in the development of surgical nursing
- providing input, advice, support and direction to the National Clinical Programme for Surgery (NCPS) on issues relating to nursing
- liaison with clinical leads, and lead nurses on other national clinical programme's to promote alignment and integration of all programme solutions of the acute surgical assessment unit within the acute floor
- create regional nursing forums that promote good practice and learning from local good practices
- identify key nursing aspects related to the implementation of the models of care for surgery
- provide direction and guidance in relation to nursing workforce planning, and the development of advanced practice and specialist roles
- provide advice and direction in relation to nurse education and training for surgical nursing
- chair of Acute Surgical Assessment Unit (ASAU) Accreditation review board
- involving nurses in advising the Programme team on service design, delivery and development
- ensuring nursing involvement in the design of clinical information technology systems
- acting as an advisor on national policy development and implementation groups
- site visits, advice and support to nursing staff on service development
Models of care
- Model of Care for Acute Surgery
- Model of Care for Elective Surgery
- Models of Care for Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
Programme publications and standards
Download and read about the minimum acceptable operating standards for an ASAU in Ireland including data and information to be generated.
Minimum Standards for Acute Surgical Assessment Units (ASAU) in Ireland
Nursing activities
Peri operative nurse interest groupshave been established in four Hospital Groups to aid prioritisation, design and delivery of programmes to support surgical nursing developments:
- South South West Hospital group
- Dublin Midlands hospital group
- Ireland East Hospital group
- Saolta Hospital group
For more information contact Jamie Logan: jamielogan@rcsi.ie