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HSE Career Hub and HR guidance for nurses and midwives

HSE Career Hub

If you don't see a position advertised on the HSE's job section that you want to apply for, we encourage you to register to your interest today at HSE Career Hub to receive suitable weekly job notifications by email. After registration, you can change your preferences based on your interest and career progression as and when you see fit.

HR guidance

The HSE Human Resource (HR) Helpdesk is your point of contact for all your employment related queries.

The HR Helpdesk can advise you about employee benefits, terms and conditions, HR Policies and Procedures.

Contact the HR Helpdesk:

Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 5pm

Phone: 1850 444 925

Related topics

HSE Human Resources

Staff resources - HSE Quality Assurance and Verification Division

Page last reviewed: 24/06/2019
Next review due: 24/06/2022